Chapter 1351

"You sit."

Afraid that he would disagree, Lu Sihui stood up with a smile on her face, and smoothed Zhou Zixu's hair that had just blown up.

"There's nothing to show courteousness to, rape or steal, tell me! What's the matter?"

Zhou Zixu refused to sit down, fearing that his wife had dug a hole for him, what if it was something he couldn't agree to?
Put your big hands around your daughter-in-law, push her to sit on the chair, let her sit and stand by herself, so you can feel more at ease.

The two of them were close, and their posture was somewhat intimate, as if Zhou Zixu held Lu Sihui half in his arms, each other breathed a familiar atmosphere, and there were only the two of them in the room, and the atmosphere was very ambiguous for a while.

"Cough cough."

Lu Sihui coughed twice, stood up, and walked towards the window. She convinced herself that it was because Zixu was too hot, so he could breathe more easily if he stayed far away.

Zhou Zixu raised his thick eyebrows and smiled jokingly. Sihui's earlobes were red. He stretched lazily and walked behind Sihui in two steps. Middle whisper: "What are you looking for?"

Lu Sihui saw a fellow stationmate passing by outside the window, she hurriedly pushed him away: "I came to see you show your prestige, my deputy minister."

Putting his hands on the window sill behind him, he looked at him with a smile. The man in front of him had bright starry eyes and thick eyebrows like ink stains. When he smiled, his eyes seemed to twinkle like stars, which made people reluctant to look away.

"Well, I see, how do you feel?"

Zhou Zixu's smile grew stronger, he leaned closer to Sihui, rubbed his tall nose tip against her little Qiong's nose, and his hoarse voice betrayed his current emotion.


Lu Sihui deliberately angered him, this person is too arrogant, if she praises him again, her tail will go up to the sky.

"Ha, how about it, why don't you give it a try?"

Zhou Zixu hooked the tip of her nose with a smile, little villain, is it so difficult to praise a man?
"Zixu, stop making trouble, this is the unit, I came to see you on business."

Lu Sihui's heartbeat was beating, her throat seemed to be smoking, and the smell on Zixu's body moved her emotionally. Her heartbeat had to be kept a little far away so that she could speak smoothly.

"Okay, tell me, I'm all ears."

Zhou Zixu lazily sat back on the chair, threw his long legs on the desk, looked at his wife in leisure, and laughed and teased her.

"It's like this. In three more days, Jin Chen will marry a wife. He doesn't agree to do the marriage in Falcon, and he wants to arrange it in Guashantun. You know the situation of his family. He doesn't have that much spare money, and he is serious about machismo. He refuses to marry her." No. [-] money goes into the mountain every night."

At this point, Lu Sihui stopped, and let Zixu decide the rest, she is a woman, she can't be too strong in everything.

"I see, you want us to help him?"

Zhou Zixu is so smart, can his wife's tricks fool him?
She crossed her hands, looked at Sihui with a half-smile, and directly expressed her thoughts.

"The last time I gave Swift a roasted hare, she didn't eat enough."

Lu Sihui knew she couldn't fool him, so she just moved out her daughter, right?

"Well, it can be considered, but."

Zhou Zixu deliberately stopped at the word but, and looked at his wife jokingly. Seeing that she was pricking up her ears and wanted to hear, he stopped talking. Hui didn't say anything, he was busy with business.

Lu Sihui waited for a while, and saw that he didn't mean to say anything, but instead frowned, biting the pen and lost in thought.

In a hurry, she urged: "But what?"

(End of this chapter)

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