Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1358 Come to make trouble early in the morning?

Chapter 1358 Come to make trouble early in the morning?

Zhou Zisong was washing up in the room at this time, while Li Yanhong had already dressed and was making the bed.

"Yanhong, put it there and don't move, I'll fold it later."

Zhou Zisong gave an order, this is also considered as his concern for his wife, Li Yanhong happily put down the work in hand, and looked at him happily.

"Zisong, I think it's my son."

Li Yanhong touched her stomach, and said to Zhou Zisong with a sweet smile.

"Son and daughter are the same, isn't Swift cute too?"

Zhou Zisong took off the towel and wiped off the water stains on his face. Hearing his wife's words, his cold facial features softened a bit.

He thought for a while before answering, he didn't want to give Li Yanhong the impression of being patriarchal and burden her psychologically.

"But I want a son who can play with Dongsheng."

Li Yanhong lowered her eyelids tenderly. She didn't forget that she had Dongsheng just because she was about to give birth to her own child.

Zhou Zisong paused for a moment, put the towel on the washbasin stand, turned around and walked to his wife's side, holding her shoulders with both hands, and fixedly looked at her with deep eyes.

Li Yanhong was a little overwhelmed by him, did she say the wrong thing?But she didn't say anything?

"Yanhong, you are so kind."

Seeing his wife's uneasiness, Zhou Zisong finally curled up the corners of his mouth and gave Li Yanhong a smile, his deep voice expressed his gratitude to her.

Li Yanhong didn't know whose child Dongsheng was?But her love for her children is meticulous, which is really rare.

Li Yanhong looked at him shyly, and Zisong thanked her, still not used to it!

Looking at his wife's cheek, Zhou Zisong's heart skipped a beat. She looked shy and beautiful.

Li Yanhong's excited eyes were shining, she looked up at his deep eyes, his gaze made her heart beat faster.


Just when Zhou Zisong was about to talk to Li Yanhong, there was an inappropriate knock on the door.

Li Yanhong was so frightened that she pushed Zhou Zisong away suddenly, turned her back and sat on the edge of the bed, sweating from nervousness.

Zhou Zisong frowned dissatisfied, who is it?Making trouble early in the morning?

"Come in."

Commanded in a deep voice, Zhou Zixu, who was outside the house, didn't hear his voice right?
But it's all here, even if there are activities inappropriate for children in the house, he has knocked on the door and left long ago.

However, he still entered without pushing the door, but shouted outside the door; "Brother, I'll wait for you in the study downstairs."

After finishing speaking, he walked downstairs, the sound of walking was loud, he could hear the footsteps going away, and then he went downstairs with a bang.

Zhou Zisong frowned and looked at the door. This little brother, what can he do to find him early in the morning?

Seeing that Zhou Zixu didn't enter the house, Li Yanhong breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, seeing her blushing face, my brother-in-law would have thought she was with Zisong.
"Zixu may be looking for you urgently, so hurry up!"

Li Yanhong stood up, glanced at Zhou Zisong, and graciously let him go downstairs.

"Well, pack up and go wake Dongsheng up. I'll take him and Swift to the nursery on the way later."

Zhou Zisong tugged at the hem unnaturally, and returned to his serious face to give orders.

Li Yanhong stood up to see him off, looked at Zhou Zisong, and found that his face was smeared with unnatural redness, and her eyes became a little distressed.

Zhou Zisong glanced at her uncomfortably, and it was embarrassing to be discovered by her.

Open the door and go out, Li Yanhong raised her head until the sound of closing the door, heard the footsteps gradually receding, sighed, stood up and opened the door to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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