Chapter 1380

"Go to Changbai Mountain to look for it. There are meteorites falling from the sky over there."

The robot anxiously told her that the energy can't last long now, and it must be replenished immediately.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui ground her teeth, Changbai Mountain?Being far away from City S, her first thought was how to persuade Zhou Zixu to agree to go to Changbai Mountain by herself.

Already in, she wanted to take a light bath, but was stopped by the robot.

"The energy is not enough, it cannot be wasted."

Lu Sihui looked at him anxiously, was it a waste of energy to take a light wave bath by herself?

The robot seemed to know what she was thinking, and said mechanically: "You need energy to take a light wave bath and treat patients."

"Okay! It means I wasted it? Then I'll get your energy back for you."

Lu Sihui got angry and left the space capsule to go to Changbai Mountain?How should I tell Zixu?
Zhou Zixu was training Xiao Mingyuan in the backyard at this time, he didn't come by himself, he also brought three little followers.

"Hey, how are you doing! Let me train you to strengthen the company?"

Zhou Zixu sneered, put his hands on his waist, looked at Wang Mingyuan and smiled.

These four boys didn't learn anything, and they were kings and overlords in the compound.

Learn some kung fu, don't bully others to death?

"Well, brothers have to learn with me."

Xiao Mingyuan raised his neck and said to Zhou Zixu solemnly.

"Hey, return to the brothers?"

Zhou Zixu shook his head amusedly, can this little thing be any more funny?

"Hmph, Second Uncle, we won't teach Xiaoqiang."

Dongsheng and Swift also came, Dongsheng has always been jealous of Xiaoqiang, who made him call him a bastard?
"Dongsheng, teach me, and I promise not to scold you in the future."

When Xiaoqiang heard this, he was so frightened that he hurried over to please him, shaking Dongsheng's arm and coaxing him.

As a result, Dong Sheng bit his lip and looked at him hesitantly.

Children, eat soft but not hard.

"Dad, teach the little brothers, okay?"

Little Swift came to help Wang Mingyuan and the others talk, Dong Sheng looked at his younger sister angrily, he refused to let him teach, and his younger sister sang against him.

"Brother Dongsheng, let brother Xiaoqiang learn from us?"

Seeing that Dongsheng was angry, Little Swift went over to coax her brother again, she was not busy enough.

"Okay! For the sake of my daughter, I will teach you, but listen to me, if you can't bear the hardship, get out early, and after you learn the skills, don't bully others, let me know who is bullying Don't tell me I'll take care of him."

Zhou Zixu straightened his back, put his hands behind his back, and scanned the brats with majesty.


Of the four little things, only Wang Mingyuan saluted decently, and his serious appearance really looked like a comrade.

Zhou Zixu looked at him curiously. It's no wonder that when he was three years old and saw his old age, this kid would be a good man when he grows up.

The other three little things followed suit when they saw Wang Mingyuan salute, but they did it like a monkey scratching its eyebrows, which was not standard at all.

"Let's start with standing at attention, everyone is there, stand at attention."

Zhou Zixu looked at the little guys with majesty, and trained them in the same way as training new players, stand at attention, take a rest, turn right, turn left, and look forward
These are very boring, and those who can't learn it are just eliminated.

At the very beginning, the children were very fresh, and they all studied hard, but after several repetitions, Xiaoqiang, Swift, and Jiang Guorong became impatient.

Especially Swift, when asked to turn left, she made a full circle, and in the end, she simply ran to the side to catch grasshoppers.

Both Xiaoqiang and Jiang Guorong went to play with her. Dongsheng watched it and stopped practicing at all. Wherever Swift was, he followed her.

"Mingyuan, don't you want to play?"

(End of this chapter)

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