Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1382 Why is it so late?

Chapter 1382 Why Come Back So Late?
"I brought crickets to Swift."

Standing at the door, Wang Mingyuan handed the bottle of wine to Aunt Su, looking into the room with big black eyes.

"Little brother."

Little Swift, who was depressed and unhappy just now, heard his voice, happily pushed her father away, and ran to the door on her chubby legs.

"Swift, this is for you, don't be unhappy."

Seeing Swift, Xiao Mingyuan handed the wine bottle to Swift as if offering a treasure.

Aunt Su's scalp was numb, and there were dense black crickets inside, which made her feel numb.

"One is enough, so many, it's too scary."

Aunt Su wanted to snatch the wine bottle, but Little Swift was busy avoiding her. The wine bottle fell to the ground and shattered immediately. The black crickets managed to escape, and they rushed to hide in the cracks of the bricks.

"Swift, have you jumped yet?"

Aunt Su was frightened by the group of black crickets, but still cared about the child, she picked up Swift and ran into the house.

Wang Mingyuan and his three friends squatted on the ground and poked crickets with their little hands.

There was broken glass bottle shards on the ground, Wang Mingyuan also caught the cricket, and his hands were punctured by the glass shards, and the blood flowed out, but the little guy didn't cry, he was busy catching up with Aunt Su, and handed the cricket to Swift.

"Here you are, Swift."

"Thank you little brother."

Swift took the cricket and smiled sweetly.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zixu became even more indifferent to Xiao Mingyuan. He knew how to love Swift at such a young age. When he grows up, wouldn't he be more kind to his daughter?

"Okay, uncle will wrap your hands for you."

Pulling Wang Mingyuan into the house, he found that the wound was quite deep and the blood kept coming out, but the little guy didn't care.

He took the medicine box and sterilized him with anti-poison water first. It hurt a little after pouring it in, so Zhou Zixu took a special look at him.

The little guy just frowned and gritted his teeth, but he didn't cry or make a sound.

With backbone, Zhou Zixu praised in his heart.

Carefully bandaged him up. Over there, Aunt Su had already gone to clean up the broken bottle. The remaining three brats stood at the door, stretching their necks to look at Wang Mingyuan.

"It's over, there are so many crickets, I don't need to sleep at night."

Aunt Su complained, but she couldn't find them. She only found two when she was sweeping the floor, and the rest scattered and fled.

"go home!"

Zhou Zixu bandaged Ming Yuan's wound, and patted his head with affection in his voice.

"Thank you uncle."

Wang Mingyuan stood up and bowed politely to Zhou Zixu, only then did Swift dare to come over, she was frightened stupid just now when she saw the blood.

"Little brother, does it hurt?"

Her big watery eyes were full of tears, Zhou Zixu looked at her amusedly, did he feel distressed?
"It doesn't hurt."

Wang Mingyuan shook his head vigorously, quite masculine.

Zhou Zixu smiled and patted him again: "Go home! It's already dark, your father should be in a hurry."

After sending these little things away, Zhou Zixu was looking for crickets in the alley, these little guys, what's wrong with giving them away?Send crickets?

After growing up, Little Swift always made fun of Wang Mingyuan about this!

That night, Aunt Su didn't sleep well. Her cricket held a party and sang songs all night long.

Zhou Zixu caught crickets for half the night, but there were still crickets singing in the living room, which made him upset.

When he returned to the bedroom, it was already midnight, he didn't dare to turn on the light, took off his clothes by the moonlight, looked at his wife who was sleeping soundly on the couch, and walked over lightly.

As soon as the mosquito net was lifted, Lu Sihui opened her eyes and looked at him, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you back so late?"

(End of this chapter)

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