Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1403 is Xiangzi's room

Chapter 1403 is Xiangzi's room
Lu Sihui shrugged. She had given away the ginseng, but she didn't intend to take it back. She was only afraid that Xiangzi would be beaten, so she made a bad move.

Now that the words have been made clear, she has finished delivering all the presents, so there is no need to go to the mountains and sleep on a tree.

After entering the house, I found that the house was beautiful on the outside, and the inside of the house was no different from my house in Kaoshantun.

There are big pots and stoves when you enter the door, and then there are rooms facing east and west. Fortunately, there is a small north house in his house, and there are two earthen houses in the yard. I just don’t know where I will be arranged to sleep tonight?
"The pig that was just killed, I took a piece of meat and cut it up for you two to eat."

Xiangzi's mother politely let Lu Sihui to the dinner table. She usually can't eat meat, but today she slaughtered a big piece of pig, so she can satisfy her family's hunger first.

When the youngest son came back, he naturally had to leave a big one for him. The staple food was steamed stuffed buns with wild vegetables, and it wasn't too shabby with meat.

"Thank you auntie."

Lu Sihui smiled lightly, it doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you can eat enough.

The search for the meteorite this time was still very unsuccessful. After arriving at the location, she found that the meteorite was in a mountain depression. The mountain depression was very deep, and it was not safe to go there at night. She decided to go again in the daytime tomorrow.

She climbed up and down, and she was indeed hungry. She smelled the fragrant pork, and her taste buds widened.

There were two other women in the room. They wore very rustic clothes, and their hair was tied up in a bun behind their heads. They looked very old-fashioned.

These two women looked at Lu Sihui with envy, they each got a small piece, but this girl could eat so much.

"Mom, I want to eat meat."

There was a row of five or six small-headed melons on the ground, all looking up to women for meat.

The kitchen was lit by a kerosene lamp, and the light was dim. Lu Sihui couldn't see the expressions of the two women clearly, and felt that she was trading ginseng for food, and there was nothing wrong with eating some meat.

She lowered her head and started to eat, seeing the children gulping down their saliva, she took a piece of meat and handed it over.

"Give it to you!"

But soon, she regretted her actions. Several children swarmed up to grab a piece of meat. The older ones beat the younger ones, and the younger ones cried.

"stop fighting."

Two women came to fight, and the piece of meat had already entered the mouths of the two big ones, but the small one didn't eat it, and cried very sadly.

"It can't be given, that's how they are."

Xiangzi explained in embarrassment, Lu Sihui was speechless, Dongsheng in his family, when eating good food, he would let his sister eat first, and he couldn't bear to move.

What's the matter here?The older one doesn't give in to his younger brothers and sisters at all.

"I said girl, just eat by yourself."

Xiangziniang hurriedly came over and told Lu Sihui that there were many wolves in the house, so they had to divide the meals, otherwise they would be turned on their backs.


Lu Sihui nodded, listening to the children crying, she couldn't put this meat in her mouth, so she ate two steamed buns with wild vegetables.

"You eat meat!"

Xiangzi wanted to give Lu Sihui some meat, but felt that she would dislike him, so he let her in a low voice.

"Don't eat, give them a share!"

Lu Sihui stood up and clapped her hands. The wild vegetable dumpling made her throat a little louder. Her house didn't mix white flour, so it didn't seem to be pure cornmeal, but rather cornmeal mixed with ground corncobs.

The most unpalatable thing is that the wild vegetables have no taste and no oil. If she eats this every day, she will lose weight.

"Auntie, can you give me a place to stay for one night? I'm leaving tomorrow."

Lu Sihui wants to rest when she is full. She is pregnant and does strenuous exercise and feels very tired.

"This? Well, let's live in Xiaobeiwu! It's Xiangzi's room."

(End of this chapter)

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