Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1416 What is he thinking?

Chapter 1416 What is he thinking?
"Can't you? Dad, Dad?"

Xiangzi's father is such a shame, he celebrated his [-]th birthday, how could he go on this day?

After shaking for a long time, the old man did not wake up.

A good birthday banquet turned into the anniversary of the old man's death.

Everyone is there, everyone works together to remove the wooden door and put the old man on it.

The old makeup and clothes have already been made, and the village head found a sensible person to dress the old man in a hurry while his body was still soft.

Lu Sihui came out from the woods and was a little annoyed when she saw Xiangzi's house was noisy. Anyway, things were done, and she ate a hare in the mountains and she was not hungry at all.

Still not wanting to deal with them anymore, he walked towards the outside of the village.

"Girl, stay."

Xiangzi's eldest brother has been staring at the woods!Grandpa died, and he didn't forget to look at Lu Sihui.

Seeing her coming out, he ran over erratically.

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at him: "What's the matter?"

"My grandfather is dead, can you stay for a day before leaving? Xiangzi will also return to the city then, and you will go back by car together."

Brother Xiangzi stared at Lu Sihui's hands, and when he saw that her hands were empty, he was less enthusiastic than before, but he still wanted to keep her.

This is what dad told me, and he doesn't know why?
Lu Sihui originally planned to ignore him and leave, but when she heard that the old man was dead, she left immediately, as if she was a little unkind.

In any case, on the train, Xiangzi had helped himself.

"All right!"

Lu Sihui turned around and followed her eldest brother into the yard, and saw that the old man was really lying on the floor on the door panel!
The yard was in chaos, and Xiangzi's eyes were red from crying, and he knelt on his grandfather's head with his father, putting burnt paper into the funeral basin.

Feeling in my heart, well, people leave as soon as they say, and leaving on their birthday makes the family unbearable.

"came back."

Xiangzi's sister-in-law, seeing Lu Sihui, hurried over to greet her.

At this time, the family was busy, tearing up the filial piety cloth, and hanging up the yellow paper with strings of money at the door. The table was in a mess, and no one helped to clean it up.

Everyone in the village surrounded the old man's body and sighed.

"I am sorry for your loss."

Lu Sihui walked up to Xiangzi and persuaded him in a low voice.

Xiangzi's father raised his head and stared at her eeriely. This dead girl is the nemesis, right?

Dad has always been in good health, but she went into the mountain last night and came back to stay for a night, and today Dad will not be able to.

"You wait."

He ordered Lu Sihui coldly, which meant not to let her leave.

"Uncle, my condolences are changing. I have something to do in the city, so I have to go back soon."

Lu Sihui looked at him with disgust, this man was a little unreasonable.

She, who should mourn, has already finished mourning, and she has no friendship at all, so there is no need to stay.

"No, you can't leave. My father ate your ginseng yesterday, and he died today. He killed someone for his life. If you leave, who should I go to?"

With a gloomy face, Xiangzi's father stood up and pointed at Lu Sihui. Now that everyone in the village is here, and given her the name of murder, even if she wanted to, she couldn't leave.

"Is your surname Lai? This is the first time I've heard that ginseng can eat dead people."

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, is this old man trying to blackmail someone?

"Stop making excuses, boss, second child, arrest her, and send her to the court for justice after your grandfather's funeral."

Xiangzi's father commanded his left and right arms, so he had an excuse to detain this dead girl.

Xiangziniang looked at him in fear, knowing in her heart that the head of the family was not willing to give the ginseng to his father at all, saying that he wanted to sell it in the city for money.

How do you say that now?What's his plan?
(End of this chapter)

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