Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1427 Strength is not allowed

Chapter 1427 Strength is not allowed

Zhou Zixu didn't pick up his grandfather's words. What he was most worried about was that something happened to Sihui. If he had said to go out to relax, he should have come back long ago.

Grandpa Zhou looked at his grandson and found that he was depressed and his voice was hoarse when he spoke, which showed that he was more anxious than himself.

His lips moved, but he didn't say any more.

I hope in my heart that Sihui just went out for two days for fun, maybe she will come back today.

"Grandpa, I'm going to work."

Zhou Zixu felt agitated, so he let go of the panic with his grandfather and wanted to go out and look for it.

"it is good."

Mr. Zhou looked at him with deep eyes. He didn't expose his grandson because the child was afraid that he would be worried.

"Old man, where do you think Sihui can go? Is there anyone else in her natal family? I heard that her stepmother has a son and a daughter, can she go to their place?"

Aunt Su didn't dare to come over to ask after Zixu had left, she felt a lot of anxiety in her heart, after all, Sihui was still pregnant, and this person disappeared out of thin air, how could she not be anxious?
"Impossible, she hates the pair of siblings so much, she didn't see the point of going away for a few days."

Mr. Zhou waved his hand. As far as Sihui's temper is concerned, if she doesn't deal with them, it's her character. How can she go to see them?
"It's true, Sihui is good everywhere, but her idea is too righteous."

The people at home turned their backs on their backs, and Lu Sihui was sitting on the train home.

Just in case, she took out the thousand-year-old ginseng and put it in her bag before getting off the car.

If it's not exposed, then find an excuse to give it to grandpa.

It was discovered that she ran away from home, and this ginseng was an excuse. She could say that she had gone to buy ginseng for her grandpa. If she fooled around, the family would not be too angry.

It was night when I got off the train. I walked out of the station with the crowd and took a deep breath. Although the air was not as good as in the mountains, I felt like going home, and my heart was very kind.

After checking the tickets with the crowd, I left the station and had to walk for an hour before returning to the family building.

She stood there hesitating, not knowing whether she should go back to the bungalow for a transitional night, or simply go back to the subordinate building?

In the end, she decided to go back to the bungalow first. It is already past eight o'clock, and it will be past nine o'clock when she gets home. How do you explain it?

Stepping towards the house, there were few pedestrians on the road, but she really liked the comfort of walking alone.

Thinking about what I encountered on this trip, I suddenly felt that I was a troublesome body, even if I wanted to keep a low profile, my strength would not allow it.

Things have come to a head, she can't be alone with them.

It was faster to get to the bungalow than to go back to the subordinate building. When I got home, I checked my watch, it was [-]:[-].

The neighbors on the left and right had already turned off the lights and went to sleep, and she would not be found if she wanted to jump over the wall and enter the yard.

However, just as she put her hands on the wall, she accidentally glanced at the door and stopped.

Walk over and press the iron lock on the gate.

When she left, she obviously locked the door from the inside?
Broken, this proves that someone has been there?If it's the younger brother, it's okay to say, but Zixu is the one I fear the most.

However, he went to the field for training, so he shouldn't come back so early.

But was it the younger brother or the grandpa who locked the door?
Grandpa knew it, so everyone knew it. If Zixu knew it, she would definitely leave the team and run back. Then she made a big mistake.

Even if the younger brother found out, according to his timid character, he would definitely run back to Zhou's house, look for grandpa, look for Zixu, and the whole family would know about her sneaking away.

Feeling cold, the ginseng excuse I thought of before seems a bit far-fetched now.

Feeling the chill behind her, as if someone was staring at her, she instinctively turned around quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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