Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1430 Know You Are Wrong?

Chapter 1430 Know You Are Wrong?
Lu Sihui glanced at Zhou Zixu gratefully, she lied to him, and he still cares about her so much?
The self-blame in my heart was a little heavier.

When the two of them opened the door, they tried not to make any noise, closed the door gently, didn't even dare to turn on the light, and quietly changed their shoes.

Suddenly, Lu Sihui felt that something was wrong, she turned her face to look at the living room, there seemed to be a black shadow sitting on the sofa.

In an instant, the living room was as bright as day, and Mr. Zhou was sitting on the sofa with a cane in both hands, his face was gloomy, and he didn't seem to smile at all.


Lu Sihui was a little stunned for a moment, grandpa is planning to raid the station?Why are you sitting in the dark without saying a word?
"came back."

After Mr. Zhou saw Lu Sihui, his eyes softened a little, but soon became serious again.

"Sihui, what have you been doing these days?"

Lu Sihui reluctantly grinned, originally thinking that she could escape tonight, rest for a night, and face her grandfather's interrogation tomorrow, but she didn't expect that she would be caught right after she came back?

Zhou Zixu gave his daughter-in-law a sideways look, why didn't he say anything?Do you know you are wrong?

But he felt sorry for his wife, so he had to come out to help her out.

"Grandpa, Sihui went to Changbai Mountain to get ginseng for you. She didn't dare to tell the truth because she was afraid we wouldn't let her go."

Mr. Zhou glared at him, but he didn't ask him, isn't this too tempting for his wife?

I am just worried about Sihui, and I don't know how to punish him, so is there any need to make up nonsense?

"Grandpa, I heard that you have trouble breathing recently, so you are lucky to go to Changbai Mountain. When you get there, you will encounter a thousand-year-old ginseng. Is this a good thing that money can't buy?"

Lu Sihui couldn't squint anymore, and hurriedly snatched the ginseng from Zixu, walked over, and handed it to grandpa with a smiling face.

Mr. Zhou is a man of knowledge. When he saw that the ginseng looked like a human being, with long and numerous beards, it was indeed a good thing.

But he didn't answer, but still looked at Sihui seriously.

"You feel sorry for grandpa. Grandpa is grateful to you for this, but he can't leave without saying goodbye? What makes me most angry is that you lied. Look at Zixu, his voice has become hoarse in the past two days, and he can't sleep without eating. Sleep, look for you everywhere, go back and reflect deeply, write me a self-criticism, and write out what you think, you must be serious."

Master Zhou put on the air of being a leader in the unit, and ordered Lu Sihui with a cold face.

"Yes, Grandpa, I promise to write a deep check."

Lu Sihui saluted her grandfather, feeling relieved, even though her grandfather was still dark-faced, he had already stepped down the steps for her.

"Go back and wash up, go to bed early! Don't think about yourself, but also think about the child in your belly. Don't be self-willed in the future. Grandpa is so worried that he can't sleep."

Seeing Sihui salute and admit his mistake, the old man's complexion improved, and he persuaded Lu Sihui earnestly.

Tonight, he couldn't sleep no matter what, so he waited for his grandson in the living room, hoping that he would bring back good news.

Fortunately, he didn't have time to wait, and finally waited for his grandson-in-law to come back.

Facing the kind grandpa who cared about her like a granddaughter, Lu Sihui's eyes turned foggy, and she nodded vigorously: "Grandpa, I will never do it again."

"Grandpa doesn't want millennium ginseng, you can keep it! When you and Yanhong have a baby, let Xiaosu make chicken soup for you."

Grandpa Zhou stood up on crutches, Lu Sihui hurried over to help Grandpa, and he returned the ginseng to her directly.

"Grandpa, you can boil water and drink this ginseng, which can prolong life and strengthen your body. I have another one here, and I will eat it with my sister-in-law."

Lu Sihui persisted, and she took back the ginseng she gave to Grandpa Xiangzi, just to nourish her sister-in-law and herself.

"Sihui, people who always live in the mountains can't come across thousand-year-old ginseng. How did you find two?"

(End of this chapter)

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