Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1432 I Didn't Lead Well

Chapter 1432 I Didn't Lead Well

Looking at her deliberately and seriously, his voice was full of chills, as if he was very angry, he looked away and didn't want to look at her again.

"There will be no next time. Wherever you want to go in the future, you will stay with me."

Lu Sihui shook Zixu's arm pitifully. She was really pretending to be asleep just now, but who made Zixu treat her so well that she felt that she had done something wrong and had to apologize.

"It's a deal. No matter where you want to go, as long as you say it, I will be with you. Just don't do it again. I can't stand this kind of torture."

Zhou Zixu put his wife in his arms, patted her on the shoulder, and whispered in her ear.

"Okay, I promise you, no matter what I do, I will discuss it with you first."

Lu Sihui put her arms around Zhou Zixu's waist, raised her head with a smile, and acted like a baby to him.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Zhou Zixu raised an eyebrow at her, he didn't believe what Sihui said, she was too determined to control her.

"It's hard to chase a horse."

Lu Sihui smiled, and stretched out her little finger to him. Her precious girl likes to hook a finger with people the most.

"I'm going to see Swift, I miss her so much."

When Zhou Zixu was about to kiss her, Lu Sihui turned her face away with a smile, put on her shoes and went to the daughter's room.

"Don't go, Swift is asleep, surprise the child tomorrow morning."

As soon as he reached the door, Zhou Zixu grabbed her back and tapped the tip of her nose, not allowing her to leave.

At night, Sihui leaned against Zixu's arms and slept soundly.

Zhou Zixu basically didn't sleep last night, hugging his wife, he naturally slept soundly.

In the early morning of the next day, Little Swift had a dream that her mother didn't want her anymore, and she was unhappy when she got up, pouting and refusing to put on clothes.

"Why don't you wear clothes?"

Suddenly, a stern voice sounded, Swift looked over in surprise, and immediately opened her chubby hands: "Mom, I miss you."

Lu Sihui hurriedly hugged her, and the child almost fell off the bed.

"Where did you miss me?"

Seeing her daughter's face flushed like a big apple, Lu Sihui couldn't help kissing her heavily, and asked her with a smile.

Seeing her mother smiling, Little Swift pouted and acted coquettishly, nestling in her mother's arms.

"Mom will dress me."

Little Swift secretly observed her mother.Seeing her gentle eyes, the little guy started to play tricks.

"Put it on yourself, by the way, Wang Mingyuan is watching Tutu outside our house!"

Lu Sihui's heart softened when she looked at the soft and cute girl, but she still refused to dress her with a straight face.

She couldn't break the rules. In order not to hurt her daughter's heart, she deliberately teased her.

"Little brother is here."

Swift's eyes lit up when she heard this, and hurriedly climbed out of bed by herself, and stood in front of the stool to put on her clothes.

The impatient look made Lu Sihui laugh so hard.

She was a little flustered, she was just teasing the children, but seeing Swift's appearance, she obviously believed it, if she didn't see anyone when she went out, Swift would definitely ignore her.

I just wanted to confess to my daughter and forget it. Lying is not a good boy, and lying is not a good mother.

As a result, the little guy got dressed and flew out like a little swallow.

"Slow down, don't fall, and go out after washing your face."

Lu Sihui was chasing after her, and she wasted a little more time so that she could tell her daughter that she was teasing her!
It's a pity that Zhou Yuyan's character is too impatient, and the child doesn't pay attention to appearance, so she ran out of the house in a hurry.

Zhou Zixu came over and saw Sihui nervously looking at the door with annoyed expression on his face, as if he did something wrong?
Can't help but ask "what's wrong?"

"I told my kids not to lie, but I didn't lead the way."

Lu Sihui looked at him in frustration, and said helplessly.

"Then why are you panicking?"

(End of this chapter)

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