Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1451 Worried about poisonous snakes

Chapter 1451 Worried about poisonous snakes
"Go back to the room and write five new characters."

Lu Sihui saw her daughter crying, but she didn't soften her heart, and instead increased the bargaining chip for punishment.

"Bad mom, bad dad, woo hoo."

Little Swift covered her face and ran upstairs crying.

Lu Sihui looked at her with a dark face. When Swift fell down the stairs, she rushed over, but someone was faster than her.

"Swift, don't be afraid, Dad is here."

Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter, coaxing her distressedly, suddenly felt that he and Sihui were too strict?
"I don't want you to hug me, bad dad."

Yuyan cried and pushed Zhou Zixu away, struggling to get off the ground, she was so wronged, why did the whole family talk about her?

It's not as good as brother Mingyuan treats her well!Tears were streaming down, crying so sadly, it made Mr. Zhou turn around on the ground in distress.

But at this time, I can't go over to coax her, otherwise, when Zixu is educating the children, Swift will be disobedient.

"Since she can walk, let her go upstairs to write."

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at her daughter, she was too coquettish and savage, so she had to be strict.

"Bad mother."

Yuyan cried and scolded her mother, but was slapped by Lu Sihui: "If you say that again, I will kill you."

When Lu Sihui lost her temper, her eyes were ice-like, and her voice was even more severe. Swift was too frightened to cry anymore, and lowered her head aggrieved.

"Put her down and let her write. If she does something wrong, she will be punished. If she has a bad attitude, she will be punished severely."

Lu Sihui showed the attitude of punishing disobedient team members in the unit, with an order that cannot be questioned in her tone.

Zhou Zixu felt sorry for the girl, but he still put her on the ground and watched her go upstairs by herself.

"It seems that the two of us are too cruel! Swift is only three years old. I punished her for ten laps of running, and you punished her for writing. Why do you feel like a stepdad? Where's your stepmother?"

Seeing that his daughter had already gone upstairs, Zhou Zixu pulled his daughter-in-law and whispered.

"Know that I'm a stepdad? Swift is only three years old, you punish her to run ten laps?"

Lu Sihui glared at him angrily, she was just writing, how tired could she be?
Zixu is corporal punishment, is it useful to regret now?

Watching Swift go upstairs, her feet seem afraid to walk, and she probably has blisters on her feet.

"You two are about the same."

Mr. Zhou came over, glared at them angrily, and went upstairs with his hands behind his back.

"I'm going to work, Sihui, you rest at home for another day."

Zixu glanced at his watch, he was late, but it didn't matter, he was the deputy minister and no one was watching him.

I have to go to the unit to write out the field training report of the past few days, as well as my experience and shortcomings, and criticize who deserves praise.

He has to make a record of all these.

"Leave later, I'll make snake soup for you."

Lu Sihui held him back, already late, within a few minutes.

Delayed by Swift's crying, the snake soup was quite hot just now, and it's just right now.

"Snake soup? Where did you get the snake?"

Zhou Zixu frowned, his head was broken by the girl.

"The piebald snake you brought back! I stewed it."

Lu Sihui explained to him calmly.

"Did you stew that snake? I also want to make medicinal wine for Uncle Tang! Poisonous snake, is it okay to eat it?"

Zhou Zixu stroked his forehead and forgot to tell his wife. He was a little worried that the poisonous snake was poisonous and he didn't really want to eat it.

But if he doesn't eat it, his wife has already made it. If he doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, Sihui will get angry.

The pregnant woman is angry, and it affects her son.

"It's okay. Grandpa ate a few yuan, but he didn't have enough. If you are afraid, I will eat it for you."

As Lu Sihui said, she really picked up the spoon and chopsticks, and put the snake meat in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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