Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1456 Another person enters the mountain?

Chapter 1456 Entering the Mountain Alone Again?

Lu Sihui looked at the rabbit's family. She was going to make roasted rabbit meat tonight. She would eat one at home and take one to Zhao Jinchen's house.

However, she couldn't bear to separate this happy family, so she had to let the robot run again.

"Kill it, peel off the skin, and bring it back."

Lu Sihui gave another order when the robot was about to leave, not to take it back and kill it, otherwise Swift would definitely not let it go.

I have been a tiger mother for a day, and I want to be a loving mother, and I don't want to make my daughter sad because of this incident.


The robot is gone again, he has no analytical ability, no human emotions, he only needs to have enough energy, as for the rest, he will do whatever Lu Sihui asks for.

Half an hour later, the robot came back with two bloody rabbits and two pheasants.

When Lu Sihui came home, Swift had already woken up and was squatting in front of the rabbit cage, feeling sad!
"Yuyan, mommy has found your little rabbit."

Lu Sihui took out a flower basket from behind. There were two big rabbits and five little rabbits in it, looking at her daughter with a smile.

"thanks Mom."

Swift jumped up happily, and when she came to see the little rabbit, the smile on her face disappeared.

"This is not my bunny."

She lowered her head sadly, her rabbit was bigger than the little rabbit in the flower basket, but smaller than those two big rabbits.

"It's your bunny, isn't everyone having babies now?"

Lu Sihui squatted in front of her daughter, coaxing her with a smile.


The child is so coaxing, he was happy at that time, and asked his mother excitedly.

"Of course it's true. I don't want to come back yet. I caught it back. I caught it this time. Don't take it out again. You'll lose it next time."

Lu Sihui vowed to fool her daughter and frighten her casually, otherwise Swift might not have the good luck of today when she goes to the mountains again.

"it is good."

Swift agreed in a childlike voice, and watched happily as her mother put the rabbit into the cage.

Lu Sihui started looking for wood to roast rabbits, and she marinated two naked hares with seasoning.

Swift looked at her mother curiously, thinking of the roasted rabbit that she ate last time, she couldn't help but bleed out.

When Lu Sihui turned her head and saw the cute little girl's appearance, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. She was so happy to be with her good daughter.

As soon as Mr. Zhou woke up, he smelled a tangy smell of meat. When he went downstairs and saw Xiao Su, he couldn't help asking, "Did my good granddaughter-in-law give me barbecue again?"

"Old man, you are blessed. Sihui brought back two hares and two pheasants. I stewed the pheasants, but she is roasting the rabbits outside!"

Mr. Zhou's face darkened when he heard this, and he pushed the door and went out. Mrs. Sun is too courageous, and she went into the mountain alone again?

"Sihui, where did the hare come from?"

Deliciousness is certainly tempting, but the body of grandson's daughter-in-law is the most important thing. Mr. Zhou looked at Sihui seriously.

"I went out for a stroll in the afternoon and saw a seller of wild game. He said he wanted to take it to the city to sell, so I bought it all back."

Lu Sihui flirted with flamboyance, and old man Zhou naturally didn't believe it: "Sihui, don't lie to grandpa."

"Grandpa, of course I didn't lie to you, it cost me 12 yuan!"

Lu Sihui laughed, the amount of money has been said, grandpa should believe it, right?
"How did you get it back?"

Mr. Zhou had already seen the litter of rabbits, and looked at Lu Sihui suspiciously, did she bring it back by herself?

"Grandpa, they will send it to the gate."

Lu Sihui was tired, and once she said a word of panic, she had to tell countless lies to cover her lies. When Zixu came back at night, he would definitely ask more questions than grandpa. Can he believe her words?
(End of this chapter)

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