Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1464 Her eyes are full of jealousy

Chapter 1464 Her eyes are full of jealousy
Suddenly, a childish voice came from behind her, and Lu Sihui froze for a moment, then turned around to see Zhao Yuying's daughter looking up at her timidly.

At this moment, Lu Sihui's heart skipped a beat. After becoming a mother, her heart softened a lot.

The child's eyes are clean and clear, not full of jealousy and calculation like her mother's.

Kneeling down, he touched the child's small face. He looked so pretty. How could her grandma be willing to treat her like that?

a lot?Extra meaning!poor child.

Fortunately, she also has a name named Xiaoying.Lu Sihui didn't want to call Duoduo, but called her by another name.

"Xiaoying, do you know me?"

Her voice was very gentle, not to scare the little girl with frightened eyes.

"Yes, beautiful aunt."

Xiaoying nodded vigorously. On the day her uncle got married, she saw Lu Sihui taking care of her brother and sister-in-law. At that time, she worshiped her and hoped that she could be so good.

"Haha, my granddaughter is also flattering."

Zhao Yaozu came out from the yard, laughed and looked at Xiaoying.


Embarrassed, Xiaoying ran to her grandfather, hugged his leg, and secretly looked at Lu Sihui.

"This kid is quite interesting."

Zhou Zixu smiled, and in front of Zhao Yaozu, he hugged his wife's waist affectionately, which seemed normal to him, but the old Zhao Yaozu unnaturally looked away.

Lu Sihui gave him a push. This is a rural area, so they would think that they behaved disorderly.

Outside the wall of Zhao's courtyard, a pair of resentful eyes looked at her. Why is she living so well while he is living so miserably?
Her teeth were about to shatter, and her eyes were full of jealousy.

Feeling something was wrong, Lu Sihui looked outside the courtyard wall, her eyes were cold and deep, and the people outside the courtyard squatted on the ground in fright, their hearts beating violently.

Having suffered from her, I have an instinctive fear of her.

Zhao Jinchen went to the commune by bicycle and bought two bottles of raw grain wine. Zixu had a lot of alcohol, so he risked his life to accompany the gentleman.

As soon as I rode into the village, I saw a person standing furtively outside the wall of my house, and I haven't waited for him yet!The man crouched on the ground.

He used to be a reconnaissance comrade, and now he is a policeman. His eyes are sharp, and there is something wrong with him.

Get out of the car quietly, hide behind a tree, and observe that person.

Seeing that he stood up and looked into the yard of his house again, he probably didn't see anyone, so the man stood for a while, then turned and looked towards the jeep.

This was obvious. Zhao Jinchen stepped on his bicycle and stomped on it. Hearing the sound of the bicycle chain, the man hurried away with his head down.


Zhao Jinchen yelled at her, perhaps because of a guilty conscience, she ran up.


Zhao Jinchen put his bicycle on the ground and strode after him.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as he caught up with that person, she turned her head and glared at him. Only then did she see her face clearly. It turned out to be Li Lanni.

I haven't seen her wandering around the village for a long time, why did she appear again.

And it also appeared in front of Zhou Zixu's car, looking at the sickle in her hand, Zhao Jinchen narrowed his eyes and shot at her sharply.

He asked her in a cold and majestic voice, "What did you want to do just now?"

"Didn't you do anything?"

Li Lanni's heart was beating wildly, but her face was still calm, and she answered with confidence.

"Do you want to cut the tires of the car?"

Zhao Jinchen directly exposed her, Li Lanni's eyes flickered, but she immediately puffed up her chest: "Of course not, why, you are not allowed to leave at the door of your house? Return the police! You will be wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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