Chapter 1469

Li Lanni looked exasperated, her eyes were staring like lanterns, and her face was covered with blood, but if she stared like this again, she really looked like a ghost crawling out of a pile of dead people.

Zhou Changjiang's mother was frightened by the appearance of her daughter-in-law, and hid behind her son, fearing that Li Lanni would break the pot and come over and fight her desperately.

Zhao Jinchen was not intimidated by her appearance at all, his thick eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes were sharp and he stared at her intently, his voice was as cold as ice skates.

"I saw you cutting tires with a sickle, and you still want to argue."

As a policeman, I have dealt with criminals all the year round. Some of them are extremely vicious and playing steel bars, clamoring for beating and killing. If you really have no courage, can you still be a policeman?
I have seen a lot of dead bodies, and the most terrifying ones are those who were killed and dismembered. Their bodies were broken into pieces, and their heads looked terrifying. They still had to find all the corpses piece by piece.

Therefore, Li Lanni's face was covered in blood, and he was simply used to it.

If you get bloody in a fight, don't be too much.

"I've come back, I didn't cut it anymore, you saw it with your own eyes, what else do you want?"

Li Lanni showed no signs of timidity, she was still quibbling to the death, and even looked like she was out of breath.

"Don't quibble, you are also a suspect, follow me to the police station."

Zhao Jinchen sneered, took out handcuffs from his pocket, and was about to handcuff her.

"Let go of me, I didn't do it, Lu Sihui, you bastard, you framed me? I'll fight you."

Li Lanni struggled with her hands and feet, and tried her best to hit Zhao Jinchen's hand to prevent him from grabbing her.

But her strength, how could she be able to withstand Zhao Jinchen, when she saw the handcuffs on her wrists, she widened her eyes and ran towards Lu Sihui.

Zhou Zixu wanted to stop her, but was pushed aside by Lu Sihui. When Li Lanni bumped into her, she raised her hand and slapped her twice.

Li Lanni was slapped and turned around twice, nosebleeds splashed, and the corners of her mouth also bled, she opened her mouth, and spat on the ground, a big tooth spat on the ground along with the blood foam.

There are all gold stars in front of my eyes, and my ears are buzzing like I'm deaf.

She covered her face and looked at Lu Sihui with wide eyes and resentment.

The eyeballs almost popped out, and the hatred in the eyes seemed to come out.

She couldn't fight, and the raid was unsuccessful. She hated Lu Sihui to death. If there was gasoline at this time, she would pour it on her, and at worst, they would die together.

"Destroying public property and intending to attack the iron-blooded team members, are you a saboteur?"

Lu Sihui took out her handkerchief, wiped her hands unhurriedly, looked coldly at Li Lanni, who was looking at her resentfully, and frightened the Zhou family by what she said unhurriedly.

"Yes, there are suspicions of saboteurs, otherwise how could they destroy Jun's supplies."

Zhou Zixu glanced at his daughter-in-law appreciatively, she was smart.

He almost kicked Li Lanni flying just now, but the nature of his attack was different from that of Sihui's attack.

When a woman beats a woman, it is at best a fight between old women.

As for him, he is bullying the weak.

"You framed me."

Li Lanni burst into tears, saboteurs will be sentenced.

Pointing at Lu Sihui in grief, she gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Did I ask you to cut the tires, or did I ask you to hit me?"

Lu Sihui looked at her with a sneer.

hate it!Hate, what can you do to me?

I care about you, it's cheap for you, but if you come to break ground on my head, can I still spoil you?
Li Lanni was terrified by what she saw. In this situation, if she entered the fence again, she would be homeless when she came out.

The Zhou family is trying to get rid of her!Now there is an excuse.

"It's really not me, don't wrong me, mom, take me away! I've had enough life, there's no way out."

(End of this chapter)

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