Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1471 Don't let go of one clue

Chapter 1471 Don't let go of any clues

Zhao Jinchen and Zhou Zixu checked carefully and found that there was only a small hole in the tire. After testing it with a sickle at home, it didn't connect. Zhou Zixu raised doubts.

"I'll get the axe."

After hearing this, Zhao Jinchen agreed with his doubts, turned around and went back to the courtyard, found his own axe, went over to compare it, and it was really similar.

"It seems to be an axe. Could it be that Li Lanni really didn't do it?"

Zhao Jinchen furrowed his eyebrows and fell into deep thought.

If it wasn't Li Lanni, who could it be?
"I think it's better to call out the villagers and mobilize the power of the masses."

Zhou Zixufeng raised his eyebrows, ground his teeth, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

This time, he didn't intend to let it go. Tonight, even if he searched all the backers, he wanted to find out the person.

Otherwise, if he comes here once, he will be punctured once. Where will his face be put?
"Yes, whoever can provide useful information will be rewarded with a piece of roasted rabbit meat."

Lu Sihui was even more amazing. She knew the bad nature of the villagers, she had nothing to do with herself, and she would only come out to inform people if she could get benefits, or deal with people she didn't like, otherwise, she would hide and pretend to be confused.

"A piece of roast rabbit?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law amusedly, anyway, if it was him, he wouldn't come out to inform about a piece of meat.

But because of the sense of justice, he thinks, this thing, everyone has it!
"Believe it or not, there is definitely someone who can provide clues."

Zhao Jinchen glanced at Lu Sihui and found that she was getting smarter and smarter. Don't underestimate this piece of meat. In the countryside, eating meat twice a month is not bad.

"I'll go to the village chief and gather the whole village. Wen Qian, cut up the remaining rabbit meat and put it on a plate. I'll use it later."

Zhao Jinchen acted resolutely, assigned tasks to his daughter-in-law, and walked to the new village head's house in stride.

With his hands behind his back, Zhou Zixu squinted his eyes, wandering in front of and behind the car like a noble leopard.

His charming peach blossom eyes are like a searchlight at this moment, not letting go of any clues.

"Look, what is this?"

Zhou Zixu called Lu Sihui excitedly, and pointed to a short tree next to the side of the car. Because no one repaired it, the branches were overgrown, and it was very close to the car.

There is a thread of cloth on the branch, dancing with the wind.

"Looks like it was scraped off someone's clothes."

Lu Sihui went to pick it up and looked at the moonlight. It was a dark floral cloth, the fabric was not good, and it was a little whitish after washing. It looked like it was worn by an elderly woman.

"Someone is hiding here, tell me, what does she want to do?"

Zhou Zixu's starry eyes were shining, and he looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile.

"Of course I'm upset."

Lu Sihui looked at the cloth strip in her hand with a sneer, the pattern was very familiar, she already had a suspect in her heart, and she just had to wait a while to see for sure.

"Sihui, I'm so sorry, you came to my house and this happened."

Ye Wenqian came out with the rabbit meat. She looked at Lu Sihui embarrassedly, knowing in her heart that Sihui came to take a look because she was worried about her.

"It's okay, I just feel uncomfortable at leisure. It's not bad to find the garbage and clean it up."

Lu Sihui smiled and comforted her, not letting her blame herself.

"Look, the village head is already calling for someone."

Ye Wenqian heard the village head's voice and said something to Lu Sihui. She only found out after she got married that the people in the village were not easy to get along with.

If the family is richer, some people will be jealous and say some acid words.

"Come here and gather at Lao Zhao's house."

The village chief called everyone over, and more and more people gathered. Under the moonlight, they looked at the rows of black-headed melons.

Lu Sihui squinted her eyes and glanced around, and found a person hiding in the crowd furtively.

(End of this chapter)

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