Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1483 The 4 neighbors who don't want to be alarmed

Chapter 1483 The neighbors who don't want to disturb

At the train station, Zhou Zisong followed the crowd out of the ticket gate with a canvas bag in his hand. The driver was waiting for him at the exit.


Zhou Zisong was tall, the driver saw him from a distance, and waved his hand to call him.

Zhou Zisong's face was cold, and he strode over with his bag.

At this time, it was already the tip of the willow on the moon, and it was past eight o'clock in the evening. When I went home at this time, Yanhong should not have slept.

He came back from leave with the special school. He felt flustered in the past two days, so he decided to come back and have a look. If nothing happened, he would go back to Junguan School after New Year's Day.

If you don't come back to take a look, you will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Minister, you have worked hard."

The driver and doorman ran over to help him carry the bag, Zhou Zisong walked to the passenger seat with a cold expression, opened the door and got in the car.

"Go home to the subordinate building."

He gave the order indifferently, and sat on the train for more than 20 hours, his face was a little tired, because he was in a hurry to come back, and there was no sleeper, so he bought a seat ticket.

"Hurry up."

Zhou Zisong didn't say a word in the urban area, but when he left the urban area, he gave orders to the driver.


The jeep was speeding forward, and the driver glanced at Zhou Zisong: "Minister, you sleep for a while, and I will call you when you get to the family building."

"it is good."

Zhou Zisong replied lightly, put his arms around his chest, and leaned on the car seat with his eyes closed.

The car bumped forward, and after more than half an hour, it arrived at the family building.

"Minister, here we are."

The driver saw that he was asleep, so he drove slowly on purpose, but no matter how slow he was, he called Zhou Zisong in a low voice.

"Well, thank you."

Zhou Zisong opened his eyes suddenly, thanked him and opened the door to get out of the car.

"Leave the car, you run back to work."

When the driver wanted to start the engine to go back, Zhou Zisong suddenly gave an order.


The driver got out of the car and saluted, handed the car keys to Zhou Zisong, and ran away by himself.

Zhou Zisong didn't understand, why did he keep the car?

Putting the car keys in his pocket, he strode home.

With the lights on in the room, his eagerness eased a bit, the corners of his mouth raised warmth, and he could see Yan Hong and his son soon, and he felt warm in his heart.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, several people in the room looked over at the same time.

"Zisong, you are back, hurry to the hospital, Yanhong is about to give birth."

Just entered the door, the shoes have not been taken off yet!Hearing his grandfather's anxious voice, Zhou Zisong threw down the gentleman's canvas bag, turned around and ran out.

"Wait a minute, pull Sihui, she is not in good condition."

Mr. Zhou shouted after his grandson, regretting that he spoke indiscriminately.

Zhou Zisong didn't hear it, so he ran to the car in a hurry. After Mr. Zhou chased him to the door, he found that Zhou Zisong's car disappeared at the gate of the superior unit like an arrow flying off the string, leaving only the exhaust of the car.

"too fast?"

Annoyed, he dropped his crutches to the ground.

"Grandpa, no, I'll go find a car!"

Lu Jianguo has been taking care of his sister, and seeing her weak, he was so distressed that he almost cried.

Afraid of wasting time, you can only rest assured in the hospital.

"That's fine, you go to Director Wang's house and tell him I'll ask him to send a car."

Mr. Zhou originally wanted to make a phone call to ask his son to transfer the car, but the work unit drove this way, which would have to delay time.

Wang Mingyuan's father, like Zixu, drove home and was married to his sons and daughters. At critical moments, he was needed to lend a helping hand.

"No, Grandpa, I'm fine. I really don't want to give birth. You trust me."

Lu Sihui prevented her younger brother from going out, not wanting to alarm the neighbors.

"Don't care if you're alive or not, let's go to the hospital for a checkup!"

Mr. Zhou refused to listen to her, and so did Lu Jianguo. He just wanted to send his sister to the hospital, so that it would be safe.

Zhou Zixu wandered around in the hospital, seeing his sister-in-law like this, he was worried about his daughter-in-law, the due date of the two of them was about the same, what if Sihui was going to give birth when he was not at home, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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