Chapter 1489

Lu Sihui walked over slowly with her waist in her arms, and gave Zixu a reproachful look. The man who is usually so calm and the sky is falling into a quilt, why is he in a hurry now?

"Sihui, why are you running around?"

Ecstasy flashed in Zhou Zixu's eyes, and he ran over to support his daughter-in-law, but he also scolded her.

It's too worrying, walking around with a big belly.

"I'm going to the toilet, sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Lu Sihui smiled lightly, and let Zixu support her. This is the care of love, and she is benefiting from it!
"Bleeding heavily, it's dangerous, let big brother sign it!"

Zhou Zixu's eyes dimmed. Sihui's side is fine, and his sister-in-law's danger has not yet been lifted. Seeing his elder brother's sad and out of control, he feels distressed.

"Don't sign yet."

Lu Sihui said in a low voice, she couldn't tell about the robot saving Li Yanhong, she could only stop the operation first, otherwise her stomach would be cut open and she would suffer more.

"Don't mess around, people will be in danger if time is delayed for a long time."

Zhou Zixu wanted to help her to the bench, but Lu Sihui wanted to read the operation notice.

"Don't go there."

Zixu has seen the above clauses, especially those scary words, all kinds of dangers in the operation, if you sign, the hospital will not be responsible.
People who have nothing to do are scared when they see it. Can a pregnant woman not be nervous when she sees those words?
At this time, Zhou Zisong had already started to sign, his hands were shaking violently, and his eyes were foggy.

But he knew that if he didn't sign it, his daughter-in-law's only chance to be saved would be lost.

"Brother, sign later, maybe sister-in-law can give birth by herself?"

Lu Sihui stopped her, but it was a step too late. Zhou Zisong put down the pen in a slump, rolling his Adam's apple vigorously, feeling as if his throat was being choked, unable to utter a word, staring at the door of the delivery room with fixed eyes , wanting to rush in to accompany Yanhong.

I'm scared. I won't even be able to see her for the last time.

Taking a step, his feet seemed to weigh a thousand catties. When he reached the door of the delivery room, he looked at the closed door and punched the wall with his fist.

Lu Sihui shook her head, hoping that the child would be born before the doctor operated on her sister-in-law.

"Sihui, I contacted my father. He helped to find a doctor in the unit hospital. It's just that there is no obstetrics department there, but he found a surgeon. Let's"

Zhou Zixu couldn't continue talking halfway through, and looked at his elder brother. In this case, it's not good for him to leave.

"Don't bother, the surgeon can't deliver the baby, even if he can pick me up, he won't go. They are all men."

Lu Sihui said something deliberately coy, but in fact she knew it in her heart.

The cry of the baby came from the delivery room, Zhou Zisong widened his eyes in distress, and hurriedly looked towards the door.

I pray that Yanhong is born, so that he will not suffer as if he was thrown into a frying pan.

Lu Sihui, Zhou Zixu and Aunt Su also became nervous, staring at the door of the delivery room, holding their breath and waiting.

"Is Wang Yanyan's family here?"

The door opened, and the nurse came out and shouted, the hope in Zhou Zisong's eyes was shattered, and his heart arose again.

"I am, I am her man."

A man with the appearance of a worker raised his hands excitedly and ran over, looked at the nurse with excited eyes, and asked with concern: "Boy, girl?"

"Girl, it's six pounds and two pounds."

The nurse replied with a smile, in their view, welcoming a new life is something to be happy about.

"Girl? Why is she a girl?"

Wang Yanyan's man muttered dejectedly, Zhou Zixu frowned and glared at him: "Your wife gave birth to a child for you, how dare you despise a girl?"

"wow, wow"

The crisp and clear baby crying sounded again.
(End of this chapter)

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