Chapter 1491

"It's coming soon, don't worry!"

The nurse laughed, and the doctor still needs to take the placenta and clean it, so naturally it will be slower.

"Nurse, is there any doctor who is free, let him check my wife."

The husband of the pregnant woman who was sitting on the bench stood up and walked over. His daughter-in-law was in a bad condition, her face was pale, and the amniotic fluid flowed out.

Zhou Zixu came to his senses this time and followed suit: "Nurse, my wife is about to give birth, please check with the doctor."

Lu Sihui let out a long breath, Zixu finally got out of the sad, let him ask, at least it can distract him.

"Wait a minute, I'll go talk to the doctor."

The nurse has a big head, what happened tonight?There is no room for a group of children.

Seeing that the pregnant woman was already crying, she hurried into the room to call for a doctor.

"Sihui, are you uncomfortable?"

Zhou Zixu was terrified tonight, the shadow caused by his sister-in-law's incident hadn't dissipated yet, the mother over there spread her legs and cried repeatedly, he was really worried about his daughter-in-law.

"It's not uncomfortable, don't worry, the child was reincarnated before, and I don't feel it now."

Lu Sihui looked at Zixu's face turning pale, she didn't dare to say that her stomach still hurts, so she said something to him calmly, then changed the subject immediately.

"Sister-in-law gave birth to twins, and grandpa must be happy knowing that."

She is sincerely happy for Yanhong, she has endured all hardships, and she has a girl and son in one fell swoop, she is so envious.

"Sihui, your belly is about the same size as your sister-in-law's, so you're also twins, right?"

Zhou Zixu's bright eyes stared at his wife's belly, it was too big, it was different from when Swift was born, and looking at it made her tired and flustered.


Lu Sihui answered with certainty, without any hesitation.

"Sihui, maybe it's true. Your stomach is not small. It looks about the same size as your sister-in-law. I heard that when you have children together, the first one will follow."

After Aunt Su got excited, she turned her attention to Sihui. If they were both twins, the Zhou family would be an enviable presence in the work unit. Thinking about it makes her excited.

As soon as she finished speaking, the family members of the other mothers looked at her excitedly. Who doesn't want their own family to have twins?

"Aunt Su, you think too much."

Lu Sihui looked at her amusedly, if you say that, the woman just gave birth to a girl, why is the sister-in-law different?
The husband who had been scolded by Zhou Zixu was squatting on the ground crying with his hands covering his head. Hearing Aunt Su's words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Aunt Su with sorrow.

The door opened, and his wife was pushed out first. The man stood up reluctantly, his face twitching all the time.

His daughter-in-law lowered her head guiltily, not daring to look at him.

Lu Sihui looked angry and turned her face away, so as not to affect her mood.

"It hurts to death."

The parturient woman sitting on the bench shouted loudly, sobbing and crying. Her husband went to comfort her, but she slapped her in the face, scolding harshly.

Lu Sihui has a headache. It's normal to have a baby. Since you're ready to have a baby, don't complain at this time, scold the man for a while, and scold the baby for a while. Wouldn't it be nice if you have the strength to save it for having a baby?

"Sihui, you are still welcome."

Zhou Zixu clenched his daughter-in-law's hand tightly. The last time she gave birth to Swift, Sihui was also so brave.

On the contrary, he feels more guilty, why not beat him and scold him!In this way, he also felt that he could help her share some.

Soon the door of the ward opened, and the screaming pregnant woman was helped into the delivery room.

Another nurse took out the twins and watched Zhou Zisong announce the congratulations: "Congratulations."

"Where is my lover?"

(End of this chapter)

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