Chapter 1496 Twin Sons

At this moment, when the sky is falling, Zhou Zixu won't leave Sihui. His son's quilt was taken by his eldest brother. Now the two twin sons are wrapped in white sheets from the hospital. It's winter, look. Why are you so distressed!
He couldn't bear it, so he took off his overcoat and wrapped it up for the child, including Sihui's overcoat. He looked like a picked child, poor man.

"Forget it, my elder brother can't do without, I'll call my dad and ask him to send a car."

Zhou Zixu thought that his sister-in-law also needed a big brother, and finally made a decision. It was time for the child's grandfather to contribute. How proud he was to have three more grandsons and one more granddaughter in one night.

When he returned to the ward, he found that Li Yanhong had fallen asleep a long time ago because he was too exhausted. Zhou Zisong stood by the bed in distress, holding Li Yanhong's hand with both hands, looking a little interesting.

"Big brother."

Zhou Zixu couldn't hide his joy, and couldn't even close his mouth.

"gave birth?"

Zhou Zisong stood up excitedly, but still made a booing gesture, telling Zhou Zixu to keep his voice down, he was also happy that he gave birth to twins!
But seeing my younger brother seemed too excited, I don't know what happened?I am embarrassed to ask in front of Sihui.

"Brother, you go out first."

Zhou Zixu didn't answer him, but issued the order to evict the guest first.

Zhou Zisong was stunned, and looked at his daughter-in-law on the hospital bed, what does brother mean?Dominating the ward?
Just stunned for a moment, he immediately thought of why, and hurriedly left with his face flushed.

"Be careful."

Zhou Zixu and the nurse carried Lu Sihui to the sickbed. Sihui wanted to get up by herself, but Zixu held her down.

She didn't wear any clothes on her lower body, and she just pulled the quilt to cover her face, and she felt relieved when her uncle left.

Zhou family
Zhou Baichuan couldn't stay at work anymore, so he asked the driver to take him back early. Master Zhou didn't sleep, and he drove in circles in the living room with a cane.

Two granddaughter-in-laws are about to give birth, and he is dying of anxiety.

"Dad, Zisong gave birth to twins."

Zhou Baichuan announced the good news as soon as he entered the door, and the old man couldn't close his mouth, so excited that he couldn't speak.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zixu called to announce the good news that Sihui had given birth to twin sons. This time, even Zhou Baichuan was not calm.

Sending the driver to the hospital to deliver the child's quilt, I want to go, but I feel that it is inconvenient for my father-in-law to go at this time.

In the second half of the night, neither of them could fall asleep, so they simply drank tea and played chess, stayed up until six o'clock in the morning, and then went directly to the hospital by car.

Lu Jianguo was chased back by his brother-in-law in the middle of the night, saying that he wanted him to announce the good news, but in fact Zhou Zixu felt sorry for his brother-in-law and prevented him from staying up late.

Knowing that his sister was born in the morning, he was so excited that he wanted to go to the hospital with him, but was held down by Mr. Zhou and asked him to watch the two little ones at home.

In the hospital, Lu Sihui slept soundly. She was so tired that she had to sleep to replenish her vitality.

When I was dreaming, I was still fighting with robots!

"Didn't you say to protect me? Why did you let me fall?"

"I will protect your body, whether you fall or not."

The robot is quite reasonable and saves your life, but it doesn't matter to me if you fall.

"Ha, believe it or not, I won't find energy for you."

Lu Sihui got angry and threatened the robot. Seeing him bow his head and dare not make a sound, he felt better.

Zhou Zixu didn't sleep all night, so he stayed in front of his daughter-in-law's sick bed, and felt very strange when he heard her talking in her sleep.

At first, I thought Sihui was complaining that she didn't protect her!Later, when he heard the word "search for energy", he felt very strange, and asked in a low voice in Sihui's ear.

"Sihui, what are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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