Chapter 1502

A look of embarrassment appeared on Zhou Zisong's cold and hard face. Aunt Su took care of Dongsheng when he was a child, and he hadn't taken care of children yet!
He didn't know how to clean up this golden house at all.

"Don't be stunned! Come and work, take it to wash."

Zhou Zixu gave orders to his elder brother, he was a clean freak, he couldn't get this thing.

He stood up and took the baby bottle and ran away. The baby bottle needed to be sterilized with hot water, so he took it to the water room.

Zhou Zisong looked at the yellow pee meson helplessly, he couldn't do this job either!
Asking him to take comrades to war, to bathe and change diapers for children is something that cannot be learned.

Lu Jianguo put down his little nephew and offered to help.

Seeing him pouring warm water into the washbasin and scrubbing the child with a new towel, it really seems to be the case.

Lu Sihui looked at her younger brother with a smile in her eyes. Her eyes were focused and her movements were skillful. This was all the experience gained from taking care of Swift when she was a child.

My younger brother has a good temper, so any girl from any family will be blessed to marry him in the future.

Zhou Zisong blushed. His own child had to be bathed by Jianguo. Wasn't he a failure as a father?

He wanted to do it by himself, but the soft child made him dare not move. He was afraid that his big hand would be too hard and hurt the child.

In the end, he picked the daunting task of washing the baby's diapers.

Although it didn't smell too much, he still felt uncomfortable in his stomach, and with a stern face, he walked out of the ward seriously holding two dirty diapers.

Lu Sihui kept watching, thinking that Zhou Zisong was too ridiculous. He looked like he was holding a grenade, but it had already been pulled and was ready to throw it away at any time.

"Brother, good father."

Zhou Zixu came back with two feeding bottles. Seeing his elder brother's serious face, holding a diaper in one hand, and gloomy eyes, he burst out laughing.

Zhou Zisong gave him a cold look, and ordered him in a bad tone: "Your child has to be changed too, hurry up!"

Zhou Zixu shrugged and gave way to his elder brother with a smile.

Wearing a uniform, Zhou Zisong looked majestic, holding two dirty diapers in his hands. This picture was seen by friends in the unit, and they couldn't believe it.

Their majestic deputy leader turned out to be a 24-hour filial father who washes diapers for his children, and he still has gold.

After watching his elder brother go out for a few steps, Zhou Zixu said coolly, "Brother, where are you going to wash it?"

Zhou Zisong stopped suddenly, turned his head and glared at his younger brother, turned around and went into the ward, took out the washbasin, and walked towards the water room with a dark face.

"Zixu, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Sihui saw that Zixu walked into the room cheerfully as if he had found a treasure, with an empty milk bottle in his hand, and the milk powder was not washed, what was he thinking?

"Brother laughing, like holding a grenade, that nervous."

Zhou Zixu picked up the milk powder, which was sent by his father, and his grandfather was quite decent.

While answering his daughter-in-law, he looked at the proportions, and then used a small spoon to scoop milk powder into the bottle, doing things seriously, and the smile on his face turned serious.

"Thank you Zixu, thank you Jianguo."

Li Yanhong was very embarrassed. Her own children depended on her brother-in-law and Jianguo to take care of them.

However, she was very satisfied with Zisong's performance.

Never dared to think that the cold and aloof Zhou Zisong could wash diapers for children?This is simply unimaginable.

Zhou Zixu poured hot water into the bottle according to the proportion, and Lu Sihui leaned on the head of the bed quietly watching him busy. When will the two sons on the bed open their big black eyes?She didn't find out.

(End of this chapter)

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