Chapter 1505
"I have to go back to the Junguan School today. Your sister-in-law is not in good health, and the two children have to trouble you."

It was very difficult for Zhou Zisong to speak out. The main reason was that there were two treasures at his younger brother's house!I simply gave him a problem.

"It's okay, you can go away at ease, one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded."

As soon as Zhou Zixu heard about it, is it embarrassing for the eldest brother?He returned to his hippie smiling face, raised his eyebrows at his elder brother and joked with him jokingly.

"That's your eldest nephew, eldest niece, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Zisong punched his younger brother. To be honest, he was very grateful to Zixu. Without him, he would be even more flustered.

"Okay, I see."

Zhou Zixu dodged back to avoid his elder brother's fist, and promised him with a smile.

He ate six big steamed stuffed buns, and drank two bowls of tofu nao. Then he patted his stomach, looked at his elder brother who barely ate up two fried dough sticks, and smiled maliciously.

"Brother, settle the score!"

A smile appeared on Zhou Zisong's cold face, and he suddenly felt that he and his younger brother were like brothers now, and there was a warm current in his heart. Looking at Zixu's eyes, he also had the love of his brother.

The two brothers were full by themselves, and bought breakfast for Jianguo. The brother-in-law was growing up, and Zhou Zixu ordered four steamed buns, two pies, and a bowl of mutton soup.

"Aren't you tired?"

Zhou Zisong couldn't eat greasy food by himself, but when he saw the food Zixu bought, his brows furrowed.

"It's hard for the eldest brother to pay, so naturally he wants to give my brother-in-law something good to eat."

Zhou Zixu smiled and elbowed his eldest brother, took the delicious food, and left by himself, leaving Zhou Zisong to settle the score.

In the hospital, Lu Jianguo took good care of his sister and two nephews. Last night, his brother-in-law drove him home to sleep, so he slept well, and brought confinement meals to his sister and Li Yanhong in the morning.

At this time, I was sitting beside my sister's bed, carefully chopping eggs. Brown sugar was put in the millet porridge, which smelled delicious.

Lu Sihui couldn't wait for him to scramble the eggs, so she took the lunch box with large pieces of flowers, which were delicious.

"Sister, eggs."

Lu Jianguo handed over a bowl of grilled eggs, and Aunt Su bought all the eggs around, and there were only more than 300 eggs. For a meal, two pregnant women had to cook 48 eggs, and [-] eggs for three meals a day. Eggs, where is this stock enough?

Aunt Su said that when her brother-in-law goes back, he will drive to the countryside to buy again, and nutrition must be ensured.

"I'll send it to you, Sister Yanhong first."

Lu Sihui picked up an egg, and asked Lu Jianguo to give the rest to Li Yanhong. She was alone with no one to take care of her.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Li Yanhong hurriedly waved her hands, she already owed Mr. Jianguo a favor, and she was too embarrassed to order him any more.

Lu Jianguo listened to his sister, and did whatever she asked him to do. He took the eggs and gave them to Li Yanhong, and then went back to cook for his sister.

"Your brother has such a good personality. Whoever marries him in the future will be blessed."

Li Yanhong said with emotion that she just doesn't have a younger sister, otherwise she must introduce her to her.

"Where is my great-grandson!"

The door of the ward was pushed open, and old man Zhou appeared at the door with a radiant face. He was in high spirits on happy occasions, and last night the old man was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

"Grandpa, they are all asleep."

Lu Sihui told him with a smile that grandpa looked like he was several years younger, and he was really young when he was in a good mood.

Master Zhou smiled, pretending to be mysterious and announced to the two granddaughters-in-law: "Grandpa came to tell you some good news, do you want to hear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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