Chapter 1510

Zhao Jinchen held on to the handlebars of the bicycle with both hands, and put one leg on the ground. The setting sun was fiery red and sprinkled on him through the leaves. He was wearing a police uniform, and he was equally imposing.

It's very abnormal to see the daughter-in-law in a hurry. No. [-]'s character is rarely overjoyed or sad. Now she can't even close her mouth from ear to ear, and her thick eyebrows are slightly frowned. What makes her so happy?
However, it is a good thing for the daughter-in-law to be happy, so he asked in cooperation, "What good news?"

What I thought in my heart was, has she been promoted?After all, a ruler who does not want to be a general is not a good ruler.

No. [-] put his hands behind his back, tilted his head slightly, looked at her husband with a smile, and said deliberately: "Guess."

"Can't guess."

Zhao Jinchen answered honestly, he is a lumpy person, he is incomprehensible, and disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he was like this when we met, and he didn't point to him to change.

"Sihui is born."

After she finished speaking, she looked at her husband carefully. Jin Chen had Sihui in her heart before, which was actually a pain in her heart. Fortunately, he chose herself in the end.

"Really? Zixu must be overjoyed."

After Zhao Jinchen heard this, he was happy for Zhou Zixu, but he really didn't think about anything else.

"Don't you ask if it's a boy or a girl?"

Number one was a little disappointed, why did it take so much effort to talk to him, he didn't cooperate at all.

"Aren't boys and girls the same? Zixu also loves Yuyan very much, and I think my daughter is also very good."

From this point of view, Zhao Jinchen and Zixu have similar personalities, not patriarchal.

His calm answer made No. [-] very dissatisfied. He didn't answer the pre-planned questions, so he could only go on and say: "Zixu gave birth to two sons, and his elder brother gave birth to twins. Zhou's family will give birth to a baby boy." I have four more children."

"This is a happy event."

Zhao Jinchen's cold and hard face finally became a little more excited. The twins, the twins, and the two brothers of the Zhou family were really extraordinary.

He inadvertently glanced at No. [-]'s belly. He has been married for a long time. Although he is busy with work and is often on duty, as long as he returns home, he will not miss the homework he should do and will work harder.

No. [-] blushed when he saw him, and subconsciously rubbed his belly. It was too disappointing. After being married for so long, why didn't there be any movement?

"Let's go home, we have to prepare some gifts for Zixu."

Seeing her movements, Zhao Jinchen hurriedly changed the subject, patted the rear seat of the car, and asked his wife to come up.

The couple returned to Kaoshantun and told Zhao Yaozu and his wife about the matter. The two immediately went out to collect eggs and went door to door to buy eggs.

The news of Lu Sihui giving birth to twins quickly spread in Kaoshantun.

Zhou family
Zhou Changjiang's mother came in from the outside with a dark face, and Li Lanni lowered her head in fear.

Last time she almost hanged herself, Zhou Changjiang's attitude towards her was much better, and he made it clear to his family that he would not let her be bullied again.

Fortunately, the father-in-law said that the mother-in-law troubled her whenever she had nothing to do, but she didn't make a big fuss.

Today I saw her enter the room with a dark face, looking at me with unkind eyes, I don't know what I did wrong?
Li Lanni lowered her head, nervously put the stewed cabbage and potatoes into the basin, the staple food was steamed bread, not even some white flour, a plate of pickles, this was their family's dinner.

"You can't even cook a meal. What's the use of you? The pickles are cut so thick, do you want to save trouble? Why don't each person eat a mustard lump? You're so lazy."

Zhou Changjiang's mother was always looking for trouble when she entered the house, and when she saw the pickles, she immediately went into a rage.

Li Lanni hastily poured the pickle sticks onto the cutting board and chopped them finely.

I feel very wronged, my mother-in-law used to cook like this, so what's wrong with me today?
(End of this chapter)

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