Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1522 This Man Really Loves His Wife

Chapter 1522 This Man Really Loves His Wife

Zhao Jinchen threw the things back into the trunk with a cold face, he was angry that Zixu didn't consider himself a friend.

"It's for aunt, you have no right to refuse."

Zhou Zixu also came up stubbornly, bent down and took out the bag, and put it in the courtyard gate.

"Zixu, what do you mean? Sihui doesn't have a mother's family. I treat her like my own child. If you give something, the matter will change. Take it back."

Zhou Guifang was not happy anymore, she picked up her bag and put it back in the car. It was just helping for half a month without doing anything serious. Compared with Zixu and Sihui's kindness to their family, what is this?
"Well, then I'll go back."

Seeing that his aunt was angry, Zixu had no choice but to put his things in the car, don't rush for a while, look for opportunities in the future!

"Go back and drive slowly."

Seeing that he took the things back, Zhao Jinchen's expression improved, and he waved to Zhou Zixu, and stood at the door watching him back up and drive.

Zhou family
The new nanny Wu Shuqin is very adaptable. She is mainly responsible for cooking, washing clothes, and cleaning the house. Aunt Su, the child, takes care of herself.

Wu Shuqin cooks delicious food. In order to perform well, she went out to the kitchen tonight and made millet porridge for Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong. There was some baking soda in the porridge, which was thicker and more fragrant than Aunt Su's porridge. .

The dish for the old man and Zhou Zixu was Sichuan white pork with sauerkraut. The three-layered pork was first boiled in aniseed sedan chair water, and chopped green onion and ginger were also put in it.

She chopped the sauerkraut very finely, washed it twice with warm water, squeezed it dry and put it aside.

The pork is half-cooked, take it out and cut it into thin slices, put the shredded sauerkraut into the aniseed water where the meat was cooked, and put the meat slices in after the stew is almost done. The taste is already very fragrant. A sickle is placed on it, and a pot of lying eggs is placed on the sickle.

Lower the heat, take out the pickles and wash them, then cut them into shreds, sprinkle with chopped green onion, monosodium glutamate, and a little soy sauce, sesame oil, the color and fragrance are excellent.

After taking a look, she felt that she could not use her cooking skills. The Zhou family had a refrigerator. She rummaged through it, found a piece of lean meat, cut it into cubes, and put it in flour noodles to make a piece of roasted pork with green onions.

After cooking, her eyes flashed smugly. After the Zhou family saw it, they would definitely praise her for her good cooking skills. In terms of salary in the future, she can raise it appropriately. What she asked for was a bit small at the beginning. The family is generous. How about an increase of ten or eight yuan?
Zhou Zixu drove home, entered the compound and parked the car, how did he take the things away, and how did they get them back.

As soon as he entered the door, he could smell the tangy aroma of vegetables. He has a particularly good nose. He took off his gray coat and hung it on the clothes hanger. He asked Aunt Su with a smile while changing his shoes.

"Aunt Su, have you cooked meat?"

Aunt Su had just coaxed the four babies to sleep when she went out to see Zhou Zixu with a bright smile on his face.

"Greedy cat, your nose is really good. I have some meat to eat tonight. I didn't make it, but your Aunt Wu."

Wu Shuqin came out of the kitchen with the dishes, and when she heard that Aunt Su didn't take the credit for herself, she greeted Zhou Zixu with a smile: "Vice Minister Zhou, you're back, let's wash and eat!"

She was a little familiar, she got used to it quickly, and she talked to Zhou Zixu like a family.

"Okay, have Sihui and my sister-in-law cooked dinner yet?"

Zhou Zixu agreed with a smile, first thinking about whether his wife had eaten or not, and he had a table later, so he didn't care about being late.

"It's ready, I'll deliver it right away." Wu Shuqin agreed with a smile, put the dishes on the dining table, turned and went back to the kitchen.

Wu Shuqin thought to herself, this man really loves his wife, and it would be great if her daughter could find such a good husband.

(End of this chapter)

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