Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1532 Let's Separate

Chapter 1532 Let's Separate

Zixu lowered his head and saw that it was his daughter-in-law's small head. She kept pushing towards him. She looked cold?

In the dark, Lu Sihui's eyes were closed, it was completely instinctive to find a warm place.

Poor Ke Zixu!How can a man in good health withstand this kind of unconscious approach?

A hot stream gushed out of his nose, and he hurriedly covered his nose with one hand, trying to push his wife away from here, and went to the ground to find cotton by himself.

It's just that this person is not easy to push away, and follows him unconsciously.

Zhou Zixu smiled wryly, feeling that the nosebleed was getting worse, no matter how reluctant he was, he had to push Sihui away, he was a little anxious, afraid that the nosebleed would drip on the quilt, and he would push Sihui a little harder.

With such a big movement, Lu Sihui naturally woke up, opened her blurred eyes, she was stunned for a moment, and then saw a figure beside her, he was putting on his shoes and going down to the ground.

"What are you going to do?"

Lu Sihui rubbed her eyes, and asked him, her grievanced voice made Zixu's whole body shake.

The nosebleed became more violent, and he was reluctant to push his wife away, but if this continued, he would have to run out of blood in his body.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm going to plug my nose, I got angry, and my nose bleeds."

Covering her nose, her voice was naturally muffled, Sihui couldn't hear clearly, she raised her face, grabbed Zixu's hand with her delicate hand, and ordered domineeringly.

"What are you talking about? I'm cold, and I can't sleep alone, so I'm not allowed to go."

A little domineering, the way Zixu likes it, his heart softens, his daughter-in-law is cold, he is her stove.

But now, urgently, he had to go to the bathroom and get the nosebleed done.

"Hey, listen, I'll be right back."

Pulling away Sihui's hand violently, she stood up and walked towards the table.

Sihui didn't expect that he would pull herself away so violently, her center of gravity was unstable, and she almost fell to the kang.

Out of the corner of Zixu's eyes, Zixu caught sight of it. He didn't bother to cover his nose, and rushed back to the bedside to catch his daughter-in-law steadily.

A smell of blood made Sihui wake up instantly: "Are you bleeding?"

She stared at Zixu with wide eyes, only his outline could be seen in the darkness, but his expression was not clear.

Zixu nodded in embarrassment, and helped her to sit still, without covering her nose, the blood gushed happily.

He had to cover it with his hands again, turned around and ran to the washbasin, quickly washed his nose and slapped his forehead.

Seeing his movements, Sihui felt guilt flash in her eyes, alas, this is the last child, and there will be no more, otherwise Zixu will have to drain all the blood in his body.

After Zhou Zixu washed his nose, he went to the desk, opened the drawer, and pulled out a piece of cotton to block his nose.

I was glad that I was wise, there was cotton wool in the drawer, just pull it out when needed.

Turning around, she saw Sihui sitting on the bed looking at herself, without the quilt around her body, she hurried over, pulled her into the bad room, and pulled the quilt around her body.

"It's so cold, what are you doing up?"

He complained in a low voice, but unexpectedly, Lu Sihui hugged him without saying a word, his hands were strong, and he could feel the guilt in her heart.

"Sihui, it's okay. I'll bear with it a little longer and do more training. If I'm tired, I'll sleep soundly. If I don't have the energy to think about other things, my nose won't bleed."

After hearing this, Lu Sihui felt that he was so pitiful. He heard that his heartbeat was faster than hers.

"Zixu, I'm sorry, you'd better sleep on the other side, let's separate."

"What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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