Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1539 There Are Laxatives In The Stomach

Chapter 1539 There Are Laxatives In The Stomach
"I found medicine for you."

Lu Sihui smiled, and put the pill in her hand, Li Yanhong didn't even look at it in her pocket, she dragged her and ran upstairs.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong?"

"Aunt Su said your son is sick? I don't know what's going on, so I'm all crying!"

Li Yanhong was in a panic, why did the child get sick after a while?
Lu Sihui became anxious when she heard that, and trotted upstairs with her sister-in-law.

Pushing away the baby room, the smell is not right, it stinks.

Aunt Su and Aunt Wu were busy changing the baby's diaper, and the baby had diarrhea.

Lu Sihui frowned, the child was breastfed by her, and was fine all the time, why did he suddenly have a bad stomach?

"Sihui, the little tiger and the little leopard are crying so much? It seems like a stomachache?"

After all, Aunt Su took care of Zixu and Zisong, so she was experienced in raising children.

Seeing Lu Sihui coming in, he told her his doubts.


The baby room is next to Aunt Su's room, and there is a small window that is not open in winter. Most importantly, of the four children, only her child has a stomachache?
She went over and touched her son's forehead, the temperature was not high.

The child was crying pitifully, with tears in his big eyes.

"Send it to the hospital! Don't delay."

Aunt Wu spoke. She looked anxious, and quickly changed the baby into a clean diaper. She suggested going to the hospital.

"Okay, let's take a look."

Lu Sihui had doubts in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

Tomorrow's full moon banquet, and today's child is sick, Lu Sihui feels tired.

"You guys go out first, and I'll feed the baby first."

She felt that things were not that simple, so it was better to check.

Aunt Su pulled Aunt Wu out, Li Yanhong wanted to stay, but Lu Sihui gently persuaded her to go out.

"Sister-in-law, I'm not used to breastfeeding my child in front of others."

With just one sentence, Li Yanhong understood. She went to take her twins away, leaving only Lu Sihui, mother and child in the baby room.

She went to lock the door and carried her son into the space capsule.

"Check, what's wrong with my son?"

She carefully put the two sons under the instrument. The children had never cried like this before. Tears flowed down their cheeks, their little faces flushed, crying heartbreakingly.

She was so distressed, she couldn't stand up, and felt that her whole heart was hurting.

Seeing the beam of light turning around her son, she anxiously wanted to know the situation.

"I have laxatives in my stomach."

After checking, the robot looked at the screen and answered mechanically.

"Heal immediately."

After hearing this, Lu Sihui's face darkened. How could there be laxatives? Who wanted to harm the child?
She couldn't wait to go to the hospital for fear that her son would become dehydrated.

As for the culprit, she only doubted Aunt Wu, she was fine before, why is it suddenly like this today?
The beam of light intensified, with white light, and turned into a dazzling red. The faces of the two children gradually became peaceful, and they no longer cried heart-piercingly.

Lu Sihui's hanging heart finally fell.

The red light gradually faded, and the child looked at his mother and smiled. His big black eyes were washed clean by tears, as if they were filled with clear springs.

Lu Sihui picked up her son and walked out of the space capsule.

There was a loud knock on the door, and Aunt Su yelled worriedly into the room: "Sihui, why did you hang the door? How is the child? Why can't you hear crying?"

While banging on the door, Lu Sihui opened the door and walked out, holding a son in one hand.

Looking at Aunt Wu with cold eyes, the anger in his eyes could not be concealed, and his voice was even colder as he cut at her like an ice knife: "What did you eat for my son?"

(End of this chapter)

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