Chapter 1541
"Drink it all, isn't Xiaolong and Xiaofeng all right?"

Aunt Su is upset. Is it because of honey water?
"Old man, even if the child is frightened, all he poops will be thin poop, and if he is frightened, he will also have diarrhea."

Aunt Su simply stopped talking to Sihui and turned to Mr. Zhou.

"Why are you scared? The child is in the baby room, and there is no movement. Did you scare yourself?"

Mr. Zhou is angry. It is true that children are timid and easily scared, but people in the family don't speak loudly. Can they scare the children?

How can it be?

"I do not know either."

Aunt Su saw that the old man was angry, and his voice became quieter, she lowered her head and dared not defend herself.

"Sihui, could it be that you are overthinking it? You see, the four children are all drinking honey water. If they are drugged, it can't be just a little tiger having diarrhea with a little leopard, right?"

After Mr. Zhou finished training Aunt Su, he began to enlighten Sihui.

If the child is sick, let's go and treat it. There is no need to be suspicious, and the vegetation will be frozen.

Let Xiao Su and Xiao Wu dare not touch the children.

Lu Sihui didn't say a word, her eyebrows were furrowed tightly. It's useless to say anything now, only to find evidence and see if she admits it?
The sound of an ambulance came from outside the door, and Mr. Zhou hurriedly called Aunt Su to prepare.

"The ambulance is here, hurry up and pack your things."

"Sihui, take the child to the hospital first, have a checkup, and find out what's wrong with it?"

The old man persuaded Sihui not to say that if the child stopped crying, he would not go to the hospital.

Lu Sihui nodded, not going to the hospital would definitely arouse suspicion.

When the ambulance arrived, Lu Sihui and Aunt Su carried the child to the hospital for an examination. Li Yanhong wanted to go with her, but there were four other children at home, because Sihui had said that the new nanny might poison the child. dare not leave.

"Sihui, you go to the hospital first, and when Zixu comes back, I'll tell him to go too."

Mr. Zhou watched Lu Sihui get into the ambulance and waved to her.

Watching the ambulance leave, he returned to the house with a sullen face.

Wu Shuqin was still crying with aggrievedness, Li Yanhong looked at her, and she personally guarded the baby room, not letting her get closer.

Lu Sihui was sitting in the ambulance, still asking Aunt Su for details.

"Aunt Su, tell me clearly, was she present when making the honey water?"

"Yes, you even sterilized the baby bottle with hot water for me, and I did the rest."

Aunt Su still doesn't think there is something wrong with Wu Shuqin, she thinks that Sihui is nothing but ice, so she doesn't believe Wu Shuqin.

"Why didn't you say it just now?"

Lu Sihui looked at Aunt Su angrily.

"It's just disinfection with hot water, nothing else, it's all done right in front of my eyes."

Aunt Su is angry, is this also the object of suspicion?
Zhou Zixu drove back to the family building at a high speed. As soon as the car stopped, he jumped out of the car and strode towards home.

It took him only 10 minutes to get there in 10 minutes, and he wanted to fly in the car.

"Grandpa, where's Sihui?"

When he entered the door, he looked for Lu Sihui. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Wu Shuqin, whose eyes were red from crying. He frowned slightly, and didn't look at her again.

"She went to the hospital."

When Mr. Zhou saw his grandson came back, he hurriedly sent him to the hospital.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu agreed, and looked at the baby room. When his sister-in-law came out of the room, he told her with his lips, don't let Aunt Wu touch anything.

Wu Shuqin looked at Zhou Zixu anxiously, seeing him coming back like a gust of wind, and leaving like a gust of wind, she stood up and wanted to go back to her room.

"What are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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