Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1543 The eyes are wrong, there are ghosts in my heart

Chapter 1543 The eyes are wrong, there are ghosts in my heart

His face became gloomy, and if he dared to touch the baby who couldn't speak, would he spare her lightly?

Aunt Su frowned, walked towards the nursery without saying anything.

She didn't take out the baby bottle, so it should still be in the room.

Lu Sihui looked at Wu Shuqin coldly, looked at people and looked at her eyes, her eyes were not right, and there was something wrong in her heart.

"Strange, why is the bottle gone?"

Aunt Su went to the nursery to look for them. Both Xiaolong and Xiaofeng's feeding bottles were there, but the feeding bottles of Little Tiger and Little Leopard were gone.

"I've been in the house."

Li Yanhong came out, she didn't know what Aunt Su was looking for, but after Sihui gave her orders, she never left.

"That's strange, can't you fly by yourself?"

Lu Sihui looked at Wu Shuqin coldly.

The latter avoided looking at her, so Zhou Zixu walked over and stared at Wu Shuqin.

"Open the door of your room and take everything out."

Wu Shuqin raised her head suddenly, her lips trembled, and her eyes became even more panicked.

"Open it, we need to check."

Lu Sihui walked over and picked her up from the sofa, she had no ghosts in her heart, could she be so scared?

"What are you looking for? No bully like you."

Wu Shuqin cried and yelled loudly, but refused to open the door of her room.

"Aunt Su, get the key."

Zhou Zixu gave orders to Aunt Su, who was dumbfounded, that each room has a spare key and put it in Aunt Su's hand.

"it is good."

Aunt Su was also suspicious at the moment. She remembered the feeding bottle clearly and put it in the baby room. How could it be missing?
Wu Shuqin lowered her head, wiped her tears, and cried very sadly: "Wuuuu, it's too bullying, I quit."

Neither Zhou Zixu nor Lu Sihui was deceived by her tears, they looked at her coldly with sharp eyes.

Aunt Su hurried to get the key, and soon found the key to Wu Shuqin's room. They originally lived in the same room, but Aunt Su was considerate of Wu Shuqin, and she always got up in the middle of the night to change the child's diaper, for fear of waking her up.

Just pack up the utility room and give it to Wu Shuqin to live in.

Zhou Zixu took the key and opened the door of Wu Shuqin's utility room, where Wu Shuqin cried louder.

"Great leaders can bully people!"

When she said this, Mr. Zhou was so angry that he looked at her with a dark face.

Zhou Zixu ignored her, now someone harmed his son, in his home, can this matter be used to?
I searched together with Lu Sihui, but I didn't find a feeding bottle, but I did find fruit guide tablets, which are convenient and contain laxative ingredients.

When she came out with the pills, Wu Shuqin's eyes dodged, but she immediately found an excuse; "I get angry and dry, this is what I took, why can't it work?"

Lu Sihui threw the pills on the tea table, but she couldn't find the bottle, Wu Shuqin's eyes were a little smug.

After sorting it out carefully, I rushed to the baby room with Li Yanhong, and Wu Shuqin was also there. She was changing the baby's diaper, and then she took the dirty diaper to wash.
The child was crying a lot, and I had focused all my attention on my son at that time, presumably my sister-in-law and Aunt Su were the same as me.

Then, if Wu Shuqin took the baby bottle casually, no one would notice. Where would she take the baby bottle?
Wu Shuqin looked at Lu Sihui uneasily. She kept staring at herself with sharp eyes, as if she was in deep thought. She felt a little uneasy. Could she find out?
Because she was flustered, her petty actions betrayed her, clutching the front of her clothes, she glanced anxiously in the direction of the laundry room and bathroom.

Zhou Zixu noticed her small movements and rushed towards the washing machine. Wu Shuqin sat down with a pale face, motionless, like a sculpture.

(End of this chapter)

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