Chapter 1546
After hurting her son, it was impossible to escape unscathed.

"Comrade, she put the fruit guide in the pacifier and gave it to the child, trying to kill the child."

Lu Sihui handed over the bottle with a handkerchief wrapped around it, so she didn't have to worry about fingerprints.

"This fruit guide was found in her room."

Zhou Zixu picked up the medicine bottle and handed it over. Wu Shuqin looked at the medicine bottle with a pale face, still feeling lucky, and gritted her teeth.

Her head was dizzy, and she regretted doing it too obviously. She didn't expect Lu Sihui to be so shrewd. She guessed her body all at once. The time for destroying the body and traces was too short, leaving a tail behind.

After Wu Shuqin was taken away, Aunt Su apologized to Lu Sihui guiltily. She insisted that Wu Shuqin is a good person, and even argued with Sihui!
"I'm sorry, I didn't expect her to be this kind of person."

"Aunt Su, your vigilance is too low, and there is no label on the bad guy's face, so why do you think she is a good guy?"

Lu Sihui said something lightly, then turned and walked towards the bathroom, leaving Aunt Su with her face flushed and her head bowed.

"Aunt Su, you are too kind."

Zhou Zixu wasn't as moody as Lu Sihui, and he said it tactfully, because he didn't want Aunt Su to feel too guilty.

He rubbed Dongsheng's little head approvingly, the little guy is really clever.

Lu Sihui entered the space capsule and directly gave the order: "Go, sprinkle the fruit powder on the mouth of the bottle. This is the fruit powder."

She left one grain just now, just to guard against Wu Shuqin's destruction of the body and traces.


It's no problem for the robot to do it, but Lu Sihui gave him other orders.

"Give her laxatives, as long as she can't die, let her suffer."

The son is suffering, so the mother must help him find it herself.

Lu Sihui's eyes were cold, Wu Shuqin, if she wanted to get out of her body, it would depend on who she met?
After everything was dealt with, Lu Sihui stayed with the child and refused to go back to the house until evening.

Zixu was going back to work in the afternoon, so he didn't accompany them. Zhou Zixu didn't go home until after eight o'clock in the evening.

As soon as I got home, I went to the nursery. Seeing that Sihui was still there with her son, I felt guilty.

"Sihui, why don't you go to rest?"

He walked over to put his arms around his wife's shoulders, and looked at the sleeping twins. The children's ability to recover is really good, is this all right?

Her little face was puffy, and she slept peacefully.

"I want to spend more time with them."

Lu Sihui helped her son tuck the quilt, her eyes were filled with the radiance of a loving mother.

"Go to bed early! It will be very tiring to make a full moon wine for the child tomorrow."

Zhou Zixu said softly to her that the restaurant has been booked. It is the restaurant opened by the retired five iron-blooded man. There are five tables in total.

"How did Wu Shuqin deal with it?"

Lu Sihui stood up, her waist was a little sore, she stood up, shaking her back with her hands to relieve the stiffness.

What he cared most about was the unit's treatment of Wu Shuqin. Although she secretly dealt with her, it was not enough.

"Oh, I called and asked. She refused to admit what she had done. The unit asked someone to do a test to see if there was any medicine in the pacifier?"

Zhou Zixu had a headache. He really wanted to act according to the arrogance he had when he was not married, but he knew that it would only complicate things and not solve the fundamental problem.

But if she gets away with it, he won't let her have a good time.

"Go to sleep!"

Lu Sihui said lightly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, can she enter the space capsule and see the results of the robot's drug administration?

(End of this chapter)

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