Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1562 She Framed Me

Chapter 1562 She Framed Me
Zhou Zixu went all out, and at worst he would not coax his daughter-in-law again.

"Lan Qiuyue wants to marry me, so let her mother kill Hongrui, Hongzhi, and then..."

The more Zhou Zixu talked, the darker his face became when he saw Lu Sihui, and finally, he was too frightened to speak any more.

"What is she worthy of?"

"The knowledge you have learned is enough to eat? Why are you so full of guts?"

Mr. Zhou is furious, what are you afraid of?
It was discovered that day that Lan Qiuyue was looking at Zixu in the wrong way, and he had already thought of a way to stop it in time, how could he still be a demon if he didn't come?He made waves and almost killed his two precious grandsons.

"You have great charm."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with cold eyes, she was not as reactive as the old man, but the chill all over her body made Zixu flustered.

"It has nothing to do with me, I didn't even talk to her."

Zhou Zixu felt that he was too innocent. This was an innocent disaster. He was caught by someone after eating well at his own home. Can he be blamed for this?

"Dad, what should I do?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law's face was gloomy and silent, Zhou Zixu panicked even more. He looked at Zhou Baichuan and asked him for advice.

We can't just let it go, just punish Wu Shuqin and Lan Qiuyue lightly, not to mention Sihui, even he is not reconciled.

"I will ask for a heavy sentence."

Zhou Baichuan had a cold face, he didn't say much, but this one sentence decided the fate of the mother and daughter who had ulterior motives.

In the cell of the unit, Lan Qiuyue felt struck by lightning after hearing what the guard said.

Why did Mom give herself away?Why?Isn't she her daughter?
How did you ruin her like this?Thinking of spending her whole life behind the fence, she seemed to have fallen into an abyss, and felt that life was hopeless.

"I was wronged. My mother did it. I don't know anything. Comrade, please be aware of the details."

She cried and begged for the guards. After staying in the detention room for one night, she couldn't take it anymore. If she really wanted to live in the prison, she might as well die immediately.

"Hmph, your motive. 1 Mom already said that you have fallen in love with Zhou Zixu and want to be the daughter-in-law of the deputy district chief. I really can't figure it out. Where do you have such a big face? Don't you think you are qualified? Thoughts Vicious, are you qualified to enter the high-ranking cadre's house?"

The guard looked at her contemptuously, this woman's crying was like the tears of a fox, it was impossible to sympathize with her at all.

Thinking of her resorting to such despicable means in order to snatch someone else's husband, he felt a chill.

How could there be such a vicious woman in this simple and simple age?
If she really got her way, life in the deputy head's house would be terrible just thinking about it.

She's still a college student. Could it be that what she's learned is how to harm people?

How did she come up with the idea of ​​giving the baby a laxative like Guodao tablets?black heart.

"My mother said that? Mom, why did you hurt me?"

Lan Qiuyue was terrified when she heard this, did Mom really confess her?Outsiders will not know these words.

His legs went limp, and he knelt on the ground, patting the cement floor and weeping bitterly.

At this time, she was still performing, trying to use her sadness and grievance to show her innocence.

It's just the panicked look in her eyes and the eyes rolling around, which have already revealed her true face.

"Stop pretending, wait for the punishment you deserve! You murdered the grandson of the deputy district chief, and you wait to spend the rest of your life in prison!"

The young guard, jealous like hatred, looked at Lan Qiuyue in the performance with contempt, and threw her a bomb, which made her sit on the ground blankly, looking at him with despair in her eyes.

"I'm innocent. My mother did it all. I don't know anything. She framed me."

She was still trying to die, the guards no longer wanted to hear her voice, the investigation was clear, and it was time to send her to the right place.

"I won't live, and I won't go to jail if I die."

(End of this chapter)

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