Chapter 1596
Now everyone in the village knows that the Zhao family was poisoned. When Zhao Jinchen arrived home, many people had already surrounded his house.

It turned out that people from the Liu family and the Wang family came to look for them last night. After all, the gentlemen didn't come home all night, who could not miss it?
Zhou Guifang had to tell the truth. Hearing that the man might be poisoned, the women of the two families cried.

In the middle of the night, as soon as this side cried, the neighbors naturally heard it, one by one, and now the whole village knew that the Zhao family had been poisoned.

Fortunately, Zhao Jinchen was wise and kept his wife at home, and she stopped anyone who wanted to enter the hospital, so the scene was not spoiled.

"All give way." The police car flashed red and blue lights and sirens sounded, which in itself is very deterrent. Zhao Jinchen is now wearing a police uniform, majesticly pushing away the people blocking his door, and scanning the circle with sharp eyes , looking for suspicious objects.

There is no ghost in my heart, and I am not afraid when I see his eyes, so I asked him confidently: "Jin Chen, what's going on?"

But with a ghost in his heart, he hid in the crowd long ago, lowering his head and not daring to look at him.

Zhao Jinchen knew it well, so he didn't try to scare the snake for the time being. He explored first, and then asked.

After entering the courtyard, he went to No. [-] first, and whispered a few words in her ear. No. [-] nodded coldly, looked sharply at the crowd, and walked out of the yard.

In the yard, the police began to collect footprints. The common people were curious about it. They had seen it once before, and they found it interesting again, so they all stood by the door and stared.

Normal people are watching the excitement and looking excited, but some people in the crowd have panicked and quietly squeezed out of the crowd.


No. [-] grabbed her by the shoulders and ordered her coldly.

"Let go of me, what are you doing?"

The other party stared, and impatiently wanted to throw Number One's hand off.

"Are you guilty?"

"Joke, why am I guilty?"

The conversation between the two people here attracted the attention of the people nearby, and they all looked at Li Lanni who was caught by No. [-].

But I don't think she dared to poison her, and the two families don't have such a big enmity, so what?
Moreover, this Li Lanni is a doormat in the Zhou family. Since her mother died, she has become more honest and has a low sense of existence.

"Don't leave, the police will talk to you later."

No. [-] stared at Li Lanni like a sharp sword. She was obviously trying to stay calm, but the flustered look in her eyes proved that she was very scared.

"What do you want me for? I don't know anything."

Li Lanni subconsciously looked at her husband for help, but Zhou Changjiang lowered his head and turned a blind eye to her gaze.

Lu Sihui insisted on leaving the hospital, but Zhou Zixu had nothing to do with her.

"So, after today's drip, let's go home, and then there is the last injection tomorrow, I will drive you to the hospital."

Zhou Zixu said to his daughter-in-law with a headache that Sihui was getting more and more willful, and no one said anything about what she decided.

"Okay, let's go to Gushantun. I want to see who poisoned me?"

Lu Sihui pursed her lips, the poison on her body was cured, and the bean buns were gone, so the anger in her heart naturally wanted to go out.

"Don't go, go home first! The children miss you."

Zhou Zixu resolutely refused. With Jin Chen and No. [-] in the backing, who can't catch him?
"Let's do this! After I take you home, I will go to Kaoshantun personally, okay?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law staring at him unhappily, Zhou Zixu compromised with her again, but still didn't allow her to go over.

Lu Sihui had no choice but to agree that it would be fine if she could leave the hospital and go home to take care of the child.

Zhou Zixu and Lu Jianguo were carrying things, and Lu Sihui followed them out of the ward. When they went downstairs, they met an old acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)

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