Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1599 Why is the gap so big?

Chapter 1599 Why is the gap so big?
"Serve the people."

Zhao Jinchen turned his head and saluted him, the well emblem glistened under the sunlight.

"pay tribute."

Zhou Zixu opened the door and got out of the car, and solemnly returned a salute to Jin Chen.

Iron-blooded men and policemen are the same. Others are reunited during the New Year and holidays, but they have to stick to their posts to give the common people a peaceful and happy life.

Zhao Jinchen pursed his lips, waved at him, and left in the well cart.

Zhou Zixu kept watching the well truck leave before returning to the car and starting the engine.

Driving towards Kaoshantun, he almost killed Sihui for ordering some wild pork, but he didn't take it back, sorry for Sihui's suffering.

When the car entered Kaoshantun, he saw a few villagers surrounding Zhao's house, talking in low voices, unwilling to leave.

Stop the car, get out of the car, and walk over with big strides, sweeping these people with sharp eyes.

Trying to find a suspect in the middle.

"Zixu is here."

On the [-]st, they cut up the meat of Lao Liu and Lao Wang in the yard. This was what Sihui promised them in advance, and each of them shared about five catties, which was considered their reward for helping to carry the wild boar down the mountain.


Zhou Zixu turned his head and glanced at the onlookers again. He saw envious eyes, but he didn't find anyone dodging or daring to look at him.

"Zixu, this is the wild boar that Sihui killed yesterday. Sihui promised you that Uncle Liu and Uncle Wang will each give some pork, and you can take the rest back!"

Zhao Yaozu walked out of the house. He didn't close his eyes at the hospital last night. He went home and was busy investigating. His son and the police had left. He was really sleepy, so he went into the house to lie down for a while.

Hearing Zixu's voice, the daughter-in-law woke him up, put on her clothes and came out.

"Uncle, you don't need that much. Your family will keep half, and I will take back half."

Like Sihui, Zhou Zixu is a generous person, not to mention wild boars without money, even if it is pork bought with money, he is still willing to give it away.

"No, you should take it all back! Uncle has no face to ask for it. Sihui was poisoned in my house. Your aunt and I feel very guilty."

Zhao Yaozu didn't have the face to ask for pork, and Sihui wouldn't be poisoned if she didn't eat his bean buns.

Now he doesn't think that the other party is targeting Lu Sihui, but thinks that he has an enmity with the Zhao family and poisoned them in order to avenge their family.

Sihui just got hurt and felt sorry for her.

"Uncle, don't say that, it's not your poison? That's it."

Zhou Zixu waved his hand, and only picked up a corner of the pork, and wanted to leave the rest to the Zhao family.

Zhao Jinchuan was sitting in the room, he just came back during the Chinese New Year.

The main reason is that I don't want to live in the countryside. I told my family that I want to study, but in fact, I just want to live in the city.

When he got home, he found out that the poisoning had happened, and he regretted coming back.

He was in a bad mood, and when he saw Zhou Zixu, he didn't go out to say hello.

Seeing that his father insisted on loading wild boars on his car, he frowned in anger, put on his padded jacket and ran out.

"Dad, our family has to eat pork during the Chinese New Year."

When he left the house, he called his father with a cold expression, and glanced at his sister-in-law with dissatisfaction.

The leader of the Liuxu unit can't just give away the things at home, right?Who did she pass?

"Go inside and stay, it's none of your business."

Zhao Yaozu squinted his eyes and scolded his youngest son, why don't people who are in college understand anything about the world?

"It's not easy for my elder brother to kill a wild boar, you can't be so loose, right?"

Zhao Jinchuan didn't listen to what his father said, and muttered quietly there.

He said it in a low voice, enough for Zhou Zixu to hear, he did it on purpose.

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and looked at him, with a chill on his face. Why is there such a big gap between a son born to a mother?
(End of this chapter)

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