Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1611 It's up to you

Chapter 1611 It's up to you
After finishing speaking, she really stood by with her arms folded, and she had no intention of helping at all.

Zhou Zixu's sword eyebrows were condensed, his eyes were serious, he put the fish on the cutting board, and slapped it twice with the back of his knife.

"I see that if you run again today, you must be chopped into pieces."

Lu Sihui couldn't stop laughing at this stance of fighting to the death, Aunt Su looked at Zixu worriedly, can it do it?It didn't scare her to death just now.

Zhou Zixu moved his dantian with luck, exerted some strength on his wrist, pressed the fish with one hand, lowered the kitchen knife, and cut the fish steadily.

"Right, that is it."

Aunt Su worked hard for him, saw that he had cut it right, and waved her fist excitedly. It felt like returning to the countryside to learn from Dazhai, seeing the harvest and being happy in her heart.

Lu Sihui watched quietly, she was always paying attention, as long as the knife slipped again, she would resolutely do it by herself.

"What's next?"

Zhou Zixu cut off the fishy thread, changed the flower knife, and looked at Lu Sihui confidently.

He thinks it's not that difficult, as long as you put your heart into it, there's nothing you can't learn.

"Spread soy sauce on the fish, put scallions, ginger and aniseed ingredients in the stomach."

Lu Sihui said according to the recipe she had read. In the last days, there were no fish, and some mutated fish that were bigger than people couldn't be eaten at all, and they would eat people instead.

Therefore, she has never eaten fish, and only after arriving in this world did she realize how delicious fish is.

"Okay, it's done."

Zhou Zixu followed the steps explained by his wife and finished all the fish. The fish was greasy and had a strong fishy smell. He felt that he would not be interested in eating it after it was done.

Hei Mou looked at his daughter-in-law, like a stationmate who just arrived at work, not knowing what to do?
"Put oil in the pan and fry."

Lu Sihui held back her internal injury from laughing, but she didn't dare to show it on her face, and directed patiently.

Suddenly, I found that having Zixu cooking with me made me feel very happy, and she would be able to eat an extra bowl of rice in a while.

Zhou Zixu turned on the kerosene stove. There was hot oil in the kuizi that had just fried the meat. He picked it up and poured it into the pot, then looked at his wife.

"Is it over?"

"Let the fish go! Could it be that you want to put your hands inside?" Lu Sihui looked at him funny, leaning against the door frame with her arms around her chest, her voice was lazy, and Zixu's eyes seemed to be looking at someone who couldn't teach him anything. No one.

"Well, fried."

Zhou Zixu replied heartily, picked up the fish and wanted to throw it into the pot.

"Put it in slowly, otherwise, you will be scalded to death."

Lu Sihui's unhurried voice came from behind, Zhou Zixu narrowed his eyes and looked back at his wife.

So slow half a beat?Fortunately, I hesitated for a while, otherwise, would the meat be cooked by now?

Is the one in front of him his own wife?Why do you think it was picked up?

"See if I can cook the fish? Or do you want Brother Wang's hungry stomach to growl?"

Lu Sihui raised the corners of her mouth, looked at him lazily, what she said made Zhou Zixu choke, and couldn't breathe.

Holding the tail of the fish, he carefully put the fish into the pan. Seeing the hot oil tumbling, the fish meat was quickly fried and rolled up. He grinned. Fortunately, this is fried fish.

"Don't be idle, chop the onion and ginger, pour the soy sauce, put the salt noodles, monosodium glutamate, sugar, yes, and put some onions, it will taste better."

As soon as the fish was put into the pot, the wife over there gave him another order. Zhou Zixu turned his head annoyed, he must take a breath if he hanged himself?
Can you still work like this?The fish is still in the pot, so go do something else?
"A chef in a restaurant can keep two large spoons busy, and there is still an empty pot. It depends on your ability."

(End of this chapter)

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