Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1613 It Is Torturing People

Chapter 1613 It Is Torturing People

"Zixu, your grandfather asked you to go out and drink with the guests!"

Seeing that Zhou Zixu didn't want to go out yet, she directly used her grandfather to pressure him.

Zhou Zixu looked regretfully at the elbow that was about to be taken out of the pot. He still wanted to finish all four dishes!
"Sihui, you have worked hard."

Looking at his wife, he said something apologetic.


Aunt Su's thoughts, Lu Sihui knew, she felt sorry for Zixu at all, she pretended not to know, Zixu's cooking was really messy, he left, so he could hurry up.

After getting his wife's answer, Zhou Zixu left the kitchen, only to see his grandfather and Brother Wang still playing chess, so why would he want to drink?
Only then did he realize that Aunt Su was lying to him!Walking towards the living room in big strides, I have to see where the chess game is going?

"The food is ready, Grandpa, it's almost ready, don't scare my brother Wang from playing chess with you."

Zixu walked over and saw that his grandfather was indecisive, and every time he was about to make a move, he picked it up suddenly, making Wang Guoqiang's face flushed red, and he laughed and joked about his grandfather.

This is simply torturing people. When Brother Wang comes again, he has to go around grandpa.

"Go, go, don't interfere with my chess game."

Mr. Zhou waved his hand impatiently, and he will not give up until the end of the game.

Wang Guoqiang looked at Zhou Zixu begging for help, Zixu could only express helplessness about his situation, shrugged his shoulders, and turned away.

"I'm going to see those three little guys."

I called Swift and Dongsheng into the house before, but they hated the stuffiness in the house, so they all ran outside again.

It has been more than half an hour before and after, aren't these children cold?
Zixu is in good health, and he doesn't wear a coat or hat when he goes out, he just goes out with his head bare.

Outside the gate, the snow was the same color, and the goose feathers and heavy snow were falling more violently than before. Now the wind direction has changed, from the northwest wind to a pure north wind. As soon as I went out, I was covered in snow.

Zhou Zixu hurriedly lowered his head and clattered his big hands to sweep the snow out of his neck, but it also melted a little, and the cold snow water flowed down his back, which was definitely sour.

Looking up to find the figure of the precious girl, not far from the gate, a red, busy little figure, a smile appeared in Zhou Zixu's sparkling peach eyes.

With long legs, stepping on the snow and walking over.

"Still playing?"

The clear voice was blown into Swift's ears by the north wind, and she raised her head to look in the direction of home.

Dad in uniform walked over from the snowflakes, his tall body seemed to come before her eyes suddenly.

"Dad, brother is angry."

When Swift saw her father, the first thing she did was to complain. She took her little hand out of her glove and pointed to Dongsheng who was silently building a snowman not far away.

Zhou Zixu saw that his daughter's hat was covered with snow, and her eyebrows and eye hairs had turned white, so he went to squat down to help her remove the ice stubble from her eyes, fearing that Swift would be cold, so he hugged her directly into his arms.

"Who made my brother angry?"

Dongsheng is not an angry child, that's why Zixu asked his daughter like this.

"It's me. I said that brother Dongsheng's snowman is not as good-looking as brother Mingyuan's, and he got angry."

Yuyan lowered her head in self-blame, her little brows were furrowed, she felt that her brother was so stingy, he was not as good-looking as Mingyuan's brother, why didn't she let her say it?
After Zhou Zixu figured out the situation, he walked to Dongsheng with Swift in his arms.

After getting closer, I realized that the snowman of Dongshengdui was chubby and bloated, his eyebrows and eyes were gouged out by hand, and the contours of his face were unclear. At a glance, it was a white headed melon, which was indeed not as good as that of Mingyuandui. The snowman looks good.

"Dongsheng, is it cold?"

(End of this chapter)

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