Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1615 Driving a Speeding Car in the Compound

Chapter 1615 Driving a Speeding Car in the Compound
After seeing the clothes on the child clearly, Zhou Zixu rushed over with big strides. The child was lying on the ground, bleeding from his forehead, and the white snow on the ground had been dyed red.

He carefully lifted the child up and tried it on the tip of his nose.

"What should I do? I didn't see him rushing out."

Captain Wu got out of the car tremblingly, his legs were weak, and he was excited after drinking too much, so the speed of the car was faster, but there was no one in the compound!Why did the kid rush out so suddenly that he didn't have time to brake.

"This is a family building, not an empty wilderness. Why the hell are you driving so fast?"

Zhou Zixu picked up the child and yelled at Captain Wu.

Every time he drives into the family building, he will slow down the speed. There are many children, and he doesn't know how to hide from the car. He likes to play in the compound.

Especially in such a heavy snow day, there is an emergency and it is too late to brake.

But Captain Wu actually drove a speeding car in the compound, and the child was hit like this, and he asked what to do?
"Save people! Are you stupid?"

Seeing him reeking of alcohol, standing there tremblingly and not daring to come over, Zhou Zixu roared angrily, went over and gave him a kick.

A man in his 30s and a leader again, panicked when encountering something, went to the station and handed over the station staff to him, must he have played with them all?
After being kicked by Zhou Zixu, Captain Wu realized it and ran home.

"Mingyuan, hold on."

The child was still breathing, but the blood on his head was rushing, and he was unconscious all the time. He carried him and ran towards the house, and bandaged him briefly, otherwise, with such a bleeding method, the child would be dead when the ambulance arrived.

"Brother Wang, hurry up, Mingyuan was hit by a car."

When he reached the door of the house, he couldn't open the door with Ming Yuan in his arms, so he had to kick the door vigorously with his feet.

When the guard's voice was loud, he yelled into the room, and Wang Guoqiang, who was playing chess, had already heard it.

"what happened?"

Regardless of whether the old man was happy or not, he dropped the chess piece and ran outside the house. When he saw his blood-stained son, his anxious eyes almost popped out, and he looked directly at Zhou Zixu and asked him.

"I was hit by Captain Wu. I have asked him to call 120. The ambulance will be here soon. Let's bandage the child first."

Zhou Zixu walked into the house while talking, Lu Sihui came out of the kitchen with elbow flowers and garlic paste, saw Zhou Zixu holding the blood-stained child into the house, hurriedly put down the plate in his hand, and ran over quickly .

"I'm going to get the first aid kit."

After seeing clearly that it was Mingyuan, Lu Sihui yelled at Zixu and ran towards the study room, where the medicine box was placed.

"And got hit in the compound?"

Mr. Zhou stood up on crutches, pointed to the sofa and asked Zixu to lay the child flat on the sofa, not afraid of the blood on the child's body, which would stain the sofa.

He frowned and looked at his grandson, Captain Wu drove so fast that he could hit the child so badly.


Zhou Zixu looked anxiously at the study, why did Sihui take the medicine box so slowly?

Lu Sihui not only took the medicine box, but also asked the robot to make a hemostatic medicine for her, and asked for a nano-robot, waiting for the opportunity to give it to the child. His condition is not good, so we can't waste time.

As soon as he ran out of the study with the medicine box in hand, he saw Zixu standing at the door: "Give it to me."

After seeing his daughter-in-law, he quickly grabbed the first-aid kit and ran towards the sofa.

Yuyan was terrified, but she still refused to let Aunt Su pull her away, she insisted on staying by Mingyuan's side, crying and calling his name: "Brother Mingyuan, brother Mingyuan, open your eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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