Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1630 Is it too narcissistic?

Chapter 1630 Is it too narcissistic?
Minister Wang looked at Zhou Baichuan politely, the two had a very good relationship, otherwise their family would not have come here in the first place.

"Okay! Dad, let's go back first!"

Zhou Baichuan went to support his father, the child is fine, so it is useless to have so many people guarding here.

"Brother Wang, the medicine is back."

Zhou Zixu opened the door and entered the room, and handed the medicine package containing the oral medicine to Wang Guoqiang.

"Thank you, Zixu, take grandpa home! It's so late, I'm sorry to trouble the old man."

Wang Guoqiang took the medicine package and whispered to Zhou Zixu.

"Mingyuan, Uncle and Auntie are going back first, you should take good care of your wounds, and Uncle will come to see you tomorrow morning."

Zhou Zixu nodded, looked at Mingyuan, and said goodbye to him with a smile.

"Uncle, can I bring Swift over tomorrow?"

Ming Yuan blushed, and looked at Zhou Zixu with his dark eyes a little embarrassed, but he still spoke.

"Okay, I'll bring her to see you tomorrow morning."

Zhou Zixu stretched out his index finger to hook the tip of the little guy's nose, and agreed with a smile.

"Brother, eat more, I'll bring you breakfast tomorrow morning."

Wang Guoqiang and his father sent the Zhou family downstairs, and Zhou Zixu looked at Wang Guoqiang and whispered something.

"Don't bother, I also have a nanny at home, just let her be the driver and send it."

Wang Guoqiang was so embarrassed, Zhou Zixu waved his hand, frowned and scolded him: "Why are you polite? Let's go."

Wang Guoqiang had no choice but to shut up and stop being polite. Zixu's character is one-sided.

After watching the Zhou family get into the car, the father and son returned to the ward.

Lu Sihui laughed suddenly when she got into the car, Zhou Zixu started the engine with the car keys, stopped when he heard her laughter, and sat in the driver's seat looking at her.

"What are you laughing at?"

Grandpa took the car of elder brother and father, and there were only them in this car. Zixu longed for this alone time, seeing his daughter-in-law smiling, his mood brightened.

"Grandpa and I left as soon as we arrived in the ward. We were kicked out, right?"

Lu Sihui looked sideways at Zixu, as if she said a word as soon as she entered the ward, and didn't even look at the child carefully!So I followed Zixu home.

"Isn't it enough to see me safe?"

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand with his big hand, his bright peach eyes shone like stars in the dark car in the dark.

"Smelly, I didn't come to see you."

Lu Sihui glared at him, is this person too narcissistic?
What she didn't want to admit was that she was really worried about him, who told him not to go home.

"Duplicity is not a good comrade, Comrade Lu Sihui, I ask you as the deputy minister, is it because you are worried about me? That's why you came to the hospital?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui pretending to be serious, his face was really a leader.

"No, I came to see Mingyuan, but in the end, I was dragged home by you."

Lu Sihui didn't tell him, and deliberately raised her face to annoy him.

"Looking back, how can I punish you?"

Zhou Zixu looked at the stubborn little daughter-in-law, squinted his eyes, pinched her slender chin with his big hand, and threatened her in a deep voice.

"How to punish?"

Lu Sihui looked unyielding, raised her face, and squinted at him.


Zhou Zixu withdrew his hand, hummed twice with a half-smile, then started the car and left.

I would like to play more. 1 Playing the little daughter-in-law for a while, but the big brother behind has already started honking impatiently.

Lu Sihui glanced back, it's better not to make trouble, the grandfather in the car behind looked at them narrowly, not sure if he saw the picture of Zixu pinching her chin, his face was slightly red.

He coughed twice and changed the subject.

"Zixu, have you found the person who poisoned the beanbag?"

(End of this chapter)

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