Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1635 This idea is too bad

Chapter 1635 This idea is too bad

"Mom, calm down, Lanny doesn't know how to work, you just teach her, why be angry!"

Zhou Changjiang finally stood up, but the object of comfort was not Li Lanni, but his 1. Mom.

"I didn't let you want her at the beginning. It wasn't this broom star. Can our house be burned? Can you go to squat on the fence? It was all caused by her. Now we are still cheating. Yeah, I'm so pissed off."

Seeing her son turning towards her, Zhou's mother calmed down a little, but she still complained about her son.

Li Lanni's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and the pain between her fingers was like a pinprick, but this pain is nothing?Nothing compared to the hatred in her heart.

With her head lowered, she seemed to be honest, her eyelashes covered the hatred in her eyes, Zhou's mother and son didn't see it, and thought she was really subdued.

"Sew it well, it's not that difficult, a woman can do it."

Zhou Changjiang came to his wife and frowned.


Li Lanni snorted heavily, picked up the needle as if in a fit of anger, and started flying the needle again, her fingers hurt so much, she was afraid of being pricked again, so she was very careful.

"Look, this is trying to piss me off! Are you against me? What do you mean?"

Zhou's mother became even more angry when she saw it. She pulled her back and poked Li Lanni's forehead with her fingers so hard that Li Lanni's poked body fell to the bottom of the kang.

The body was already uncomfortable, and after a day's work, Li Lanni was dizzy and fell to the ground because she didn't eat enough.

"Look, how good are you at pretending?"

Zhou's mother picked up the broom again angrily, planning to clean up this lazy daughter-in-law.

Zhou Changjiang was on the side. When Li Lanni fell down, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold her,

Looking down, Li Lanni's face was pale, her eyes were tightly closed, and she tried to breathe with her hands, but it felt very weak.

Only then did he panic, and looked directly at him. 1Mom, and stopped her from hitting him again.

"Mom, she seems to have passed out."

"Just pretending, I don't believe that one finger can knock her out. If I really have that ability, I will go hunting in the mountains and bring back a rabbit with just one poke. Why don't we have no meat for the New Year's Eve?"

Zhou's mother gave her son a dissatisfied look, feeling that he was acting against his daughter-in-law and against herself.

"Okay, I don't think it's right, it's almost over, why are you staring at her all day long?
Zhou Bashi put the cigarette pot on the ground, and impatiently scolded his daughter-in-law, how is she doing for the auspicious Chinese New Year, how frustrated she is from being noisy from morning to night?
"Aren't you angry with her?"

Zhou's mother muttered, but she really threw the broom in her hand onto the kang, and stopped cursing.

"Dad, I seem to be really dizzy, do I need to go to the hospital?"

Zhou Changjiang pushed his daughter-in-law for a long time without responding. He was a little anxious and didn't dare to tell his mother, but looked to his father for help.

"What the hell? Still going to the hospital. I don't have any money. Go to the courtyard and pour snow down my neck. I'll see if she pretends again."

Zhou's mother was immediately annoyed, how much would it cost to go to the hospital?For this woman, every penny spent is a waste.

Directly ordering his son to go to the courtyard, Zhou Bashi frowned at his daughter-in-law, isn't this idea too bad?

"Okay, I'll put on my shoes and cover the car, and send your wife to the hospital for a checkup, maybe there is something there!"

Zhou Bashi can only say this, only if the daughter-in-law may be pregnant, the wife can pay out.
Mother Zhou didn't believe it, she looked at Li Lanni suspiciously, how could it be such a coincidence?I haven't been married for so long, so this is it?

"Is it possible? I think she seems to be faking it. Don't spend the money and be happy when it fails."

(End of this chapter)

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