Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1637 Do You Have Evidence?

Chapter 1637 Do You Have Evidence?
"Zhao Jinchen, you are too deceitful, how could my father poison you? What kind of grudge is there?"

Zhou Changjiang came out of the room with the quilt in his arms, just when he heard Zhao Jinchen's words, he widened his eyes angrily, and roared at Zhao Jinchen.

"The same is true for you. You need to go with us to accept the investigation."

Zhao Jinchen stared at Zhou Changjiang with cold eyes, but did not dispel his doubts about him.

Take it back first, interrogate and see, maybe there is something to gain.

"Why did you arrest me? What law have I violated? Zhao Jinchen, why does our family have a grudge against you? Are you doing this when you are in the Chinese New Year? Are you human?"

Zhou Changjiang threw the quilt to the ground angrily, picked up the shovel at the side, and put on a posture of desperately fighting Zhao Jinchen.

The more so, the more Zhao Jinchen doubted him, his face was cold, and he approached him with big strides.

With a cold voice, full of deterrence, he pointed at Zhou Changjiang and ordered him to put down the shovel.

"You put down the murder weapon."

"I won't let the fuck go. Barefoot people are not afraid of people wearing shoes. If you come here, I'll kill you."

Zhou Changjiang lost his mind and threatened Zhao Jinchen with a shovel, but his hand holding the shovel was trembling. He knew that he could not beat Zhao Jinchen and that he would be arrested today, so he was panicked.

"Yangtze River, don't mess around."

Zhao Jinchen rushed forward. Zhou Bashi was afraid that his son would kill Zhao Jinchen, so he yelled for him to put down the shovel.

Seeing that his son was really cut off, he closed his eyes in fright, it was over.

"Clang clang clang."

Just when he thought that Zhao Jinchen would be chopped down by his son, he heard the sound of the shovel falling to the ground. He opened his eyes hastily and saw that his son had been pinned down by Zhao Jinchen.

"Oh, the arm is broken, it's awkward, it's broken."

Zhou Changjiang made a sound like killing a pig, and called Zhou's mother out of the house.

"Son of the Zhao family, what are you doing?"

Seeing Zhao Jinchen pressing down on his son and ordering a policeman to handcuff him, she angrily rushed over to beat Zhao Jinchen, crying and scolding him loudly.

Chinese New Year is only two days away, what is he doing? Do you want to kill his family?

"Auntie, please step aside. This is a search warrant. We are going to search your house now. Please cooperate."

Zhao Jinchen looked at Aunt Zhou with a cold face. The few times she hit him, it was like hitting him with ashes, and she didn't care at all.

"Why? What's wrong with us? Your father and uncle have such a good relationship, so you can be bullied by honest people, right?"

Zhou Changjiang's mother grabbed Zhao Jinchen's cotton coat with all her strength, and refused to agree with him to take her son away, and refused to let him search the house.

In her heart, if Zhao Jinchen really let Zhao Jinchen enter the house to search, Changjiang would really be arrested, she was afraid.

"Auntie, I asked you to cooperate with us in our work. If you interfere with official duties, you will be detained. If you don't want to spend the Chinese New Year in the detention center, please get out of the way."

Zhao Jinchen treated her with the utmost benevolence and reason, and asked her to make way. Now he represents the law enforcement department.

"Jin Chen! Do you have evidence?"

Still, Zhou Bashi was calmer and asked Zhao Jinchen with a frown.

"Uncle, we won't come without evidence. Now we just ask you to assist in the investigation. We didn't say that you really did it. As long as you cooperate with the investigation, if you really didn't do it, you can still come back."

When Zhao Jinchen faced Uncle Zhou, his attitude was very good, and he answered him patiently, which was completely different from being harsh to Zhou Changjiang.

"Okay then! We cooperate, but, Jin Chen, the relationship between Uncle and your father makes it impossible to poison your house."

Zhou Bashi reluctantly agreed, but was still emphasizing.

Zhao Jinchen nodded, and led his comrades to push Zhou Changjiang into the house to prevent him from escaping. The next step was to search.

(End of this chapter)

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