Chapter 1652

"is acceptable."

Lu Sihui turned around and took the initiative to look at his strong waist, raised her perfect chin, and looked at him mischievously with her jet-black eyes.

"If you're not tired, why don't we stretch our muscles and sleep better."

Zixu pushed back the hair that blocked his daughter-in-law's beautiful eyes with his big hands, and asked her with a smile.

There are puns in the words, but I believe Sihui must understand what he means.


Lu Sihui smiled, old couple, and there is no outsider in the house, do you need to speak so cryptically?
With his daughter-in-law's approval, Zhou Zixu stopped hesitating and hugged her tightly. Bo Chun looked at his daughter-in-law's ruddy, slightly pouted mouth with a thunderous momentum.

First blowing gently, Lu Sihui was no longer angry, and responded with a good temper.

Zhou Zixu smiled in the dark night, holding Sihui's face in his big hands, spraying his warm breath on her face, looking at his daughter-in-law's watery and bright black eyes, looking at her burning hotly in the dark .

Bo became domineering, frenzied as if she wanted to swallow the bean bag into her stomach, this kind of boo made Sihui a little surprised, she looked at Zixu's face close at hand, and let him go.

Zhou Zixu chuckled in the dark night, and slowly moved closer to Sihui's cheek, his eyes twinkling with an indelible ambiguity, and said in a low voice: "Get ready, I'm going to attack."

The corner of Lu Sihui's mouth raised a smile, and her voice carried the meaning of not admitting defeat: "Ha, just talk and don't practice fake moves."

Zixu laughed, but Sihui still refused to admit defeat, so let him subdue her!
The next morning, on a cloudy day, the sun was still looming after seven o'clock, unable to break through the curtains and shine into the house.

Lu Sihui opened her eyes suddenly, subconsciously raised her hand to look at her watch, her eyebrows frowned, and said she was going to deliver food to Mingyuan?Forgot?


There was a cautious knock on the door, Lu Sihui looked at the pillow, it was already empty, when did Zixu get up?

Picking up the clothes quickly, the speed of putting on the clothes in the unit was perfected by her.

In less than a minute, the clothes were put on, and during this time, she saw Zixu's shadow.

"Bad stuff."

She cursed in a low voice, put on her sweater, jumped off the ground, and walked towards the door.

"Mom, I'm going to see brother Mingyuan."

Lu Sihui opened the door, but she didn't see anyone at the head-up angle. She lowered her head when she heard her daughter's voice, and saw that the little girl was fully armed and was holding a piggy bank in her hand.

"What are you doing with it?"

Lu Sihui pointed to Xiaozhu and asked her daughter, Mingyuan is a boy, it might be better to send him to snatch than Xiaozhu.

"I want to buy a gift for brother Mingyuan."

Swift opened her big furry eyes, looked at her mother seriously, and told her her plan in a milky voice.

Lu Sihui stroked her forehead and once again lamented that girls are extroverted.

"Okay, mommy is going to cook and make meat for your elder brother Mingyuan."

Shaking her head and sighing, she'd better cook!
"thanks Mom."

Just two steps out, the daughter's words behind her made her stop, stood there for a moment, and went downstairs stiffly.

Swift hugged the little pig happily, and followed her mother downstairs. After learning the lesson from last night, she was afraid that Lu Sihui would throw her away again.

"Sihui, I made millet porridge and boiled eggs, you can take it to the hospital later!"

Aunt Su got up early today, made porridge first, and then went to find Sihui with the twins in her arms.

As a result, I met Cheng Yaojin on the way.
(End of this chapter)

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