Chapter 1662
"It's suspicious! Didn't you listen to me just now? She pretended to be a ghost to strangle her mother-in-law by virtue of her illness."

Zhou Zixu stretched out his hand amusedly, and smoothed his daughter-in-law's frowning brows. After arguing for a long time, he just spoke to the air, but she didn't listen at all.

"That's it. I think she was pretending to be sick. She woke up when Jin Chen and the others sent her to the hospital, but why did she pretend? I think she might have a ghost in her heart. She was afraid of being discovered by Jin Chen, so she pretended I'm dizzy, as for the following things, she probably came up with the idea of ​​punishing Aunt Zhou temporarily, and if something happened, she could push it to the upper body of the ghost, or she didn't want to kill her, but just to scare her to relieve her hatred."

Lu Sihui held Zixu's hand and analyzed it according to what she knew about Li Lanni.

"Don't say it, what you said makes sense."

Zhou Zixu thought for a while and nodded. Indeed, Li Lanni had a lot of thoughts. If she was not really sick, then she was pretending to be sick because she had something in her heart.

"However, since Jin Chen and the others arrested Zhou's father and son, they must have found evidence, so when they see Jin Chen later, the truth will be revealed."

Seeing that the waiter brought over the mutton soup and pies, Zhou Zixu took the chopsticks and spoons, handed them to his daughter-in-law, and dragged her to eat quickly.

The couple are iron-blooded men with something on their minds, so they eat at an astonishingly fast speed.

The woman waited for a long time, but seeing that the man didn't mention helping her settle the accounts, she reluctantly took out a handkerchief bag and two one-dollar banknotes from her pocket, and didn't want to give the remaining twenty cents.

"Two yuan! I'll get it when I come here often."

"No, small profits but quick turnover, I haven't even earned you [-] cents!"

The waiter continued to reach out with a straight face. The woman glared at her and reluctantly gave her two ten-cent bills.

After giving the money, she saw that Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui had already finished eating, and she was calling the waiter to settle the score!

"You two eat really fast."

She couldn't help but leaned over and said something, she saw it just now, a plate of pies on the top, was eaten up so quickly?

Zhou Zixu smiled at her copiously, and pulled his wife out of the hotel.

The cold wind hit his face, he hurriedly turned around to help Sihui wrap her scarf tighter, and said with concern: "I'm sweating, cover her tightly, don't catch a cold."

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui glanced at him with a smile, Zixu's concern for her was in every detail of life.

Seeing that Zixu's cotton coat was not buttoned properly, she raised her hand to help him fasten it, and then helped him fasten the black and white plaid scarf that was draped over his shoulders.

"Talk about me! Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

"I'm a man with rough skin and thick flesh, so I'm not afraid."

Zhou Zixu took his wife's hand, looked up at the sky, and walked towards the Criminal Investigation Brigade holding her hand.

"Hey, you two wait for me."

The woman trotted after her, carrying a lunch box in her hand, afraid of spilling the mutton soup, so she dared not run too fast.

"Sister-in-law, is there anything else?"

Zhou Zixu stopped and looked at her and asked a question.

"That's right, I want to ask if you know that little daughter-in-law?"

The woman caught up panting, and raised her hand to pull down the scarf covering her mouth. Not afraid of the cold, the street blocked him for questioning.

"How do you know each other? So what if you don't know each other?"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows, and instead of telling her right away, he said something ambiguous.

"Tsk, that little daughter-in-law has no money. The mother-in-law rescued her, and the hospital will sue her! Poor thing, if you know her, go tell her family and redeem her with money."

(End of this chapter)

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