Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1676 You are my family's benefactor

Chapter 1676 You are my family's benefactor
Zhou Zixu saw that he had sent Xiaoqiang back to Director Wu's house. Director Wu was covering his cheeks with a towel at home. In the evening, his son called to say that his grandson was lost. He was so angry that he passed out.

There was no one else at home except the nanny, and he answered the phone in the study, and no one knew when he fainted.

He had just woken up, his whole body was weak, and he wanted to go out to find his grandson, but he felt dizzy again, so scared that he didn't dare to move, and the whole person looked downcast.


Xiaoqiang had a good time today, so when he got home, he ran to his grandfather in a hurry and shouted happily.

"Grandson, my good grandson, where have you been? It made grandpa panic to death."

Seeing Xiaoqiang's return, director Wu burst into tears at that moment, hugging his grandson without letting go, and kissing his face all at once, like a lost and found treasure.

"Director Wu, I found your grandson on the street. His face was red from freezing at that time. I took him home and wanted to send him back right away, but he insisted on playing with Swift for a while, which delayed him until now. No need Cook for him, eat and drink enough at my house, don't thank me, we are all neighbors, we should help each other."

Zhou Zixu stood aside and said to Director Wu with a smile, the implication is that I helped you find your grandson, and he still eats and drinks at my house. I am your benefactor, but you don't need to thank me, because everyone is a neighbor.

Director Wu is now in the mood of finding something lost, and he is very grateful to Zhou Zixu.

"Zixu, thank you so much, you don't know! But I was so anxious that I almost passed by."

Director Wu held Zhou Zixu's hand and shook it excitedly.

"It's nothing to worry about. Even if you see my Swifts on the street, you will help to bring them back. It should be. You're welcome. I'm leaving first. There are still things going on at home! I'm busy!"

Zhou Zixu patted Director Wu's hand, acting very impartial, saying goodbye to him with a smile, and calling himself a busy person.

"When Xiaoqiang's parents come back, I will ask them to come to the door to thank you. You are my family's great benefactor."

Director Wu's words sounded behind Zhou Zixu. Zhou Zixu just waved his hand without turning his head.

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, no matter how many conflicts there are with adults, he will not attack children.

But if that couple didn't deal with them, he wouldn't be Zhou Zixu.

When I got home, I called my elder brother as soon as possible.

Zhou Zisong was in the office doing New Year's training, the leader's on-duty status, the iron-blooded man's party and other arrangements. He was busy until after eight o'clock, when he was hungry, he remembered that it was time to go home.

Just as I was wrapping up my plans, the phone rang.


Frowning and picking up the phone, he spit out a single syllable in a cold voice.

"Brother, it's me. I have something to tell you. Today I heard that someone sent out station personnel privately. I conducted an investigation in Falcon. Our unit did not find this situation. You can see if it is from your unit." What? This effect is not good!"

The voice of his younger brother Zixu came over the phone, Zhou Zisong was silent for a moment, and did not answer right away.

"Brother, tomorrow is the New Year's Eve, but don't make an accident at this time. I told you anyway, and you can handle the rest yourself? Well, I'm going to bed, goodbye."

The younger brother was firing a cannonball on the phone, and the phone was put down before he was given a chance to speak.

Zhou Zisong frowned, listening to the busy tone on the phone, wondering what the hell his brother was up to?

(End of this chapter)

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