Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1678 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 1678 Pity the world's parents heart
He was just taking the station guard out for a few hours with a fluke mentality, so no one would find out.

He went to the police station again and demanded that all the policemen find him a child, which made the director of the police station also angry, which caused a great impact.

But at this time, he didn't care about it at all. Xiaoqiang was his only son. As long as he didn't have an accident, even if he was discovered afterwards, he would rather accept punishment.

In his heart, he thought that the most important thing was to close the small black room, and the captain would understand his heart as a father.

Xiaoqiang's mother was crying in the hospital, causing complaints from the patients and their families in the hospital ward. In the middle of the night, no one could sleep well no matter how far her crying sounded in the corridor.

The doctor came to her twice, but Xiaoqiang's mother said, "My son was lost in your hospital, you stay with my son."

"It's unreasonable. You are so old and can't look after children, so you are blaming us?"

The doctor was pissed off and accused her of messing around.

The captain of the third team brought two trucks of station guards into the city, commanding the station guards to go in groups of three to find the station guards of the third squadron.

"When you see Captain Wu, grab him right away."

The captain of the third team issued an order to his stationmates, his eyes were full of anger, and it would be New Year's Eve soon, and Captain Wu made him have a bad year.

Captain Wu just made a big fuss at the police station, accusing them of inefficiency, and he was so angry that he left.

As soon as he left the police station, he saw a team of station guards approaching. He frowned and ordered, "What are you doing here? Why don't you go find it?"

"Looking for what?"

The ice-cold voice of the captain of the third team sounded, and Captain Wu trembled with fright, and his voice suddenly dropped eight tones.

"team leader."

His voice trembled uncontrollably because of panic.

"You still know how to be afraid, so you have the courage to arrest Captain Wu."

The captain of the third team gave the order in a deep voice, Captain Wu was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he kept begging for mercy.

"Captain, please listen to my explanation. My son is lost. I feel sorry for the parents of the world. It was my fault that I led the team out without permission. Please, let me find my son first and go back. I will accept the punishment."

He begged bitterly, what if his son freezes to death or is caught by human traffickers?As long as he thinks about these things, his heart will be like cooking oil, and he can't care about anything else.

"take away."

The third captain had a cold face and didn't listen to his explanation at all.

"Captain, I kneel down for you. My son is lost. If he can't be found again, he will freeze to death."

Captain Wu's face was full of tears. Seeing that the third captain was determined to take him away, he knelt down in the snow with a groan.

"Pull him up."

The captain of the third team was furious. Is this a moral kidnapping?
"Captain Wu, I sympathize with the loss of your son, but this is not the reason for you to take away the station officer privately. You can report to your superiors, and if the superior approves it, you can naturally mobilize the station staff to help you find the child, but you have no organization." No discipline, treat the Jagged Team as your private unit, sneak out without passing anyone, violate the king's rules, and must not be tolerated. As for the child's matter, I will report it to the deputy minister for you, and I will personally mobilize the family members Help you find your child, and write a self-criticism in the small black room!"

The captain of the third team took a deep breath. As a father, Captain Wu did the right thing, but if all the captains in the team are like him, can it still be regarded as a disciplined unit?

Therefore, Captain Wu must be taken back for punishment.

"Let me find the child first! Please, it's so cold, he'll freeze to death."

(End of this chapter)

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