Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1680 What are you doing here?

Chapter 1680 What are you doing here?
"Send two people out to help search, be careful not to disturb the common people, walk around the train station and bus station, and take a look on the street. In addition, go to the house and ask the child if he has gone back?"

Minister Wang took a deep breath, and he was angry. He was responsible for the mistakes of the adults, but for the children, it was better to look for them, after all, they were children.


Zhou Zisong saluted and agreed loudly, and slowly put down the phone. He buttoned the collar of his coat, put on his hat and walked out of the office. He wanted to find Wu Xiaoqiang himself.

Zhou Zisong took two station friends, and went to the family building first. When he was going to make sure that Wu Xiaoqiang was not at home, he took someone to the city to look for it.

After eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Zhou Zisong rushed to the family building and found that the lights of Wu's house were still on, so he jumped out of the car and strode over.


He politely knocked on the door three times and waited quietly at the door.

"Who is it?"

The Wu family's nanny came out to open the door. She was so sleepy, she looked listless, and her shouts were weak.

Tired all day, but dare not sleep at night, the old man did not sleep, it is not appropriate for her to go to sleep.

"Is my son back?"

Director Wu has already stood up from the sofa. He hasn't slept all night, just waiting for his son to come back.

After his grandson came back, he sent a car to the hospital to pick up his son and his daughter-in-law, but only his daughter-in-law was brought back, and his son disappeared.

But he wasn't too worried. His son was an adult, so naturally he wouldn't be in any danger. He must be looking for Xiaoqiang.

He left someone there at the hospital, and when his son went, he told him that the child was found.

Everything was already arranged. Director Wu, who got up early and went to bed early, should go to rest.

But don't know why?He just felt flustered, and he couldn't sleep at all until he saw his son come back.

Hearing the knock on the door, he thought it was his son who came back!
"Hi, Director Wu."

Zhou Zisong came in and said hello to Director Wu.

"Okay, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that it was Zhou Zisong, not his son, Director Wu felt a little more uneasy, and waved his hand to prevent Zhou Zisong from saluting him, but stared at him and asked a question.

"I heard that Director Wu's grandson was lost. The superior made an exception and sent two station friends out to look for the child. I want to ask, has the child come back?"

Zhou Zisong was not used to beating around the bush, and he thought it was impossible for Director Wu not to know about the loss of the child, so he explained directly why he came.

"Thank you for the leadership's concern. The child has returned. It was Zixu who saw him in the street and brought him back."

Director Wu smiled gratefully. It turned out that the leader sent him here. It seems that he still has some old face in the unit.

Smiling and saying thank you, he called Zhou Zisong to sit down and told the nanny to make tea.

"Zisong, sit down, Xiaolan is going to make tea."

"No, since the child is back, I have to go back to the leader, so I won't sit down."

Zhou Zisong waved his hand and refused. He was ordered to come out, and the mission was completed, so he had to take the team back.

"Where are the station friends outside?"

Director Wu knew that this was the discipline of the unit, so he didn't keep it any longer, but asked casually.

"Yes, they're all in the car!"

Zhou Zisong nodded, this is not a secret, there is no need to hide it.

Director Wu laughed and started discussing with Zhou Zisong.

"Thank you for your hard work, Zhan friends, thank them for me, Zisong, can I trouble you, help me find my son in the city, he doesn't know the news that the child has been found! I'm afraid he doesn't seem to Looking around like flies on the head."

(End of this chapter)

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