Chapter 1686

Walking over with chills all over, Wu Shuren saw the murderous intent in her eyes, and was frightened, ignoring the piercing pain, struggling to get up, couldn't he just be beaten to death like this?

"Sihui, that's enough."

Mr. Zhou was looking at his daughter-in-law and Jianguo's injuries, and found that Lu Sihui's expression was wrong, so he hurriedly called her to stop.

It was the first time I saw my grandson's daughter-in-law have such a strong aura, her eyes didn't look like a human being at all, but like a wild beast, trying to tear her opponent to pieces.


Li Yanhong also saw that something was wrong, she didn't care about the pain in her chin, she went to hug Lu Sihui's waist, and stopped her from doing wrong things.

The murderous aura in Lu Sihui's heart seemed uncontrollable, she grabbed Li Yanhong and threw her aside, and walked towards Wu Shuren coldly.

"Yiyan is in the hospital. You two tricked her to go shopping. She was only four years old and it was freezing in the cold. Why didn't she think about it? She was so young, would she get lost? Would she freeze to death outside? Harm to ourselves, we still treat Xiaoqiang with good food and drink, not as black-hearted as you."

Lu Sihui walked over and grabbed Wu Shuren by the neck, and lifted him from the ground, her voice was as cold as ice falling on Wu Shuren.

Every time he said a word, he slapped him hard on the face, causing Wu Shuren's nose and mouth to bleed from the slap.

Looking at this woman in horror, they are all iron-blooded men, and they have all been trained. How come he doesn't even have the ability to fight back?

This weak looking woman is actually so scary?

Mr. Zhou went over to grab his daughter-in-law, and saw her skills, she could really beat people to death.

Looking at Wu Shuren again, his face was red and swollen like a steamed bun, the ground was covered with blood, and there was a big tooth that was knocked out, the nosebleed couldn't stop at all, he looked very embarrassed.

His daughter-in-law, who was on the side, didn't dare to come over to help. She was frightened by Lu Sihui, and she was afraid that she would break her neck the next moment.

It was still Xiaoqiang, crying and hugging Lu Sihui's leg to plead with his father: "Auntie, don't hit my father, don't hit me."

"Listen, I've spared you today for the sake of my grandfather and Xiaoqiang, so get out of here quickly."

Lu Sihui pointed at the door and issued an order to evict the shameless couple.

"Let's go, let's go, Xiaoqiang and his mother go home."

Xiaoqiang's mother came to help Wu Shuren, crying and calling her son to go home with him.

"Go to the hospital! Our Jianguo and Yanhong have to go too."

Mr. Zhou looked at Wu Shuren with hatred for iron and steel, and saw the big children since he was a child, how did he become like this?

Lu Sihui went to help her younger brother up, and seeing his pained face, she frowned distressedly: "Blindly trying to be brave."

Complain to him in a low voice, and help him wipe off the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, remembering that when she first crossed over, her brother used his weak body to help her block the beatings of her stepmother and stepbrother, and begged her father to take him in.

Now, it's like this again, when she is in danger, he will protect her without hesitation.

You once swore not to let anyone bully him, but in front of you, your brother was beaten so badly?
"Sister, I'm fine."

Lu Jianguo endured the pain to comfort his sister. In fact, he felt that his ribs were broken, and he couldn't breathe due to the pain.

On New Year's Eve, the ambulance came to the family building again, which attracted the attention of many family members.

Seeing that they were going to Zhou's house, they all thought that Mr. Zhou was seriously ill and had a good relationship, so they hurried over to take a look.

Minister Wang's father is also a veteran cadre. Seeing the two people being carried into the ambulance, he hurriedly asked Mr. Zhou who was standing at the door.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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