Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1688 She is a false accusation

Chapter 1688 She is a false accusation
"It must be that kid Zixu."

Political commissar Zhang was overjoyed, except for Zhou Zixu, no one had the guts to rush forward while the leader was talking.

"I am the deputy minister. Since my subordinates have made mistakes, I have the right to listen in."

Zhou Zixu symbolically knocked on the door twice with a dark face, but he didn't wait for the room to let him in!He opened the door and entered the house by himself, and told Commissar Zhang why he came.

"Okay, there are good reasons, but you can't talk too much, you can only listen."

Political commissar Zhang also didn't get serious with him. In fact, even if you are a member of your unit, if you want to investigate in the organization, you have to avoid it, let alone you are still a couple?
Zhou Zixu first looked at Sihui worriedly, and saw that she was not restricted in her freedom, and she was sitting on a stool looking at him!
He smiled at her, and said to her with his lips: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Lu Sihui looked away stiffly, she is not a child, what is there to be afraid of?

However, my heart is still warm. No matter what happens, Zixu will stand by her side unconditionally and trust her.

"Lu Sihui, do you still remember what happened on the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month?"

Commissar Zhang coughed twice, glared at Zhou Zixu, and saw that he sat down honestly, then asked Lu Sihui.


Lu Sihui nodded lightly, it was only a few days ago, she naturally remembered it.

"I met a thief, I caught him, it's that simple."

Explain the situation clearly and briefly, and leave the rest for Political Commissar Zhang to ask her.

"The one who lost the wallet with you is Captain Wu's wife, right? She said that you took her wallet and refused to save her. In addition, she also sued you for kidnapping Wu Xiaoqiang to your house. Injured Captain Wu, all these things, right?"

Political Commissar Zhang is a straightforward person, so he simply asked all the questions together, so that Sihui had time to respond and could better answer the questions.

Zhou Zixu raised his unruly eyebrows and stood up; "When did Sihui abduct Wu Xiaoqiang? We found Wu Xiaoqiang and Wang Mingyuan on the street and brought them home. The child was frozen, so we boiled ginger water and covered it with cotton. After being treated with delicious food and drinks, she was sent home, why was she kidnapped? Will Sihui take her purse? If she is dying, ask her who saved her dog's life in the end."

Zhou Zixu was very excited because his anger rushed straight to the top of his head. He kicked over the stool with a fierce look in his eyes.

With his hands on his waist, he walked back and forth in the room, waving his fists, as if he was going to hit someone.

"Zixu, you go out, this is the inquiry room, not a place for you to play wild, come here, take him out."

Commissar Zhang's nose was so angry that he kindly let Zixu into the house. How is this kid, kick him on the stool?

"Uncle Zhang, I'm not with you, don't be angry."

Zhou Zixu pushed away the guard who came to pull him, and smiled and moved to Commissar Zhang's side. He couldn't leave now.

"Get out, can you change your donkey's temper? You have three children, why are you still on fire? Are you a firecracker?"

Political Commissar Zhang pushed him away angrily, with anger in his words, but he made Zhou Zixu laugh.

"I'm a firecracker, and I'm indispensable for the Chinese New Year, right? If you continue to ask, I promise not to speak."

Commissar Zhang had nothing to do with him, so he pointed at him and continued to look at Lu Sihui.

"You answer it!"

"She made a false accusation. I caught the thief, got my wallet back, and saved her from the thief. You can go to the police station to investigate these situations. As for me abducting children? This is even more a joke."

(End of this chapter)

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