Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1690 My heart is on fire

Chapter 1690 My heart is on fire
"Sihui, I told you, I will never leave you, let alone being censored together, even if you are severely punished, I will accompany you."

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand and looked at her affectionately. What he said was true.

He intends to take care of Sihui, anyway, it is impossible to just ignore her.

"Come on, we are the reasonable party, why punish me severely?"

Lu Sihui's heart warmed from reproach.

Although she didn't have to do it for real, she was already moved by Zixu's ability to say this for her.

"Wu Shuren's daughter-in-law is really a mangy dog. The man and father-in-law live in the hospital. She still has the heart to frame you?"

Zhou Zixu sneered at the corner of his mouth. He and his elder brother were too kind. They saw that Wu Shuren was seriously hurt yesterday, so they didn't take any measures against him immediately.

As a result, they were given a chance to falsely accuse their daughter-in-law.

"The lesson is light."

Lu Sihui stretched out her hand and took a look. She seemed to have slapped Wu Shuren's wife seven times yesterday?She should be thankful that killing people is illegal in this era, and in the last days, she would have broken her neck long ago.

"Yes, it's too light. I'm at home, so Wu Shuren can't go to the ground for two months."

Zhou Zixu misunderstood Sihui, he was a man, and he didn't hit women, but that Wu Shuren made his teeth itch with hatred.

This is Sihui's strength, if she doesn't know kung fu, and she still looks like she did when she first came out of Guashantun, then those who are lying in the hospital now are their family.

If you bully someone and don't fight back, that's a slap in the face. Old Zhou's family is all iron-blooded men, so there is no one who is a slap in the face.

The matter caught up to the door, and the sky dragged him down, so he couldn't let him go lightly.

The couple here were talking, while political commissar Zhang ran to find Leader Zhou.

"I have to avoid this matter, you go to Minister Wang and Zhang's superiors."

Zhou Baichuan irritatedly threw the pen in his hand on the table, what is this?

On the first day of the new year, the daughter-in-law was censored?

Someone knocked on the door on New Year's Eve, is there a deputy district chief who is more useless than him?
Suffocating in his heart, he still calmly adopted an evasive attitude to ensure the fairness of the investigation.

"Okay, I'll go find Minister Wang and the others."

Political Commissar Zhang saw the old man's face darkened with anger, and knew that he was on fire!

There is no time to persuade him now, the most urgent thing is to let Sihui go home first.

After an emergency meeting of the superior unit made a decision, Lu Sihui can go home, but Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong have to write a guarantee to ensure that Lu Sihui is on call.

When Wu Shuren's wife heard the news that Lu Sihui had returned home, she went to her superior unit with disheveled hair, crying and demanding that Lu Sihui be arrested and severely punished.

The fussy Minister Wang was furious. He asked someone to arrest her and warned her that if she continued to make trouble, she would be sent to the trial court. This is honest.

Immediately afterwards, the work unit went to check the situation, and what hit Wu Shuren's wife in the face was that the thief who had stolen her wallet had already been caught, and was checking the dirty things and returning them together.

The fact that Lu Sihui took her wallet was a groundless false accusation. In addition, the police proved that it was Lu Sihui who saved her at a critical moment. She made a false accusation against her savior, and her character was questionable.

Then there was the matter of Wu Shuren and her being beaten. The bullies came to the door, and Lu Jianguo was seriously injured, and Li Yanhong was slightly injured. These were certified by the hospital. Lu Sihui only fought back for self-protection.

Finally, it was Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu who abducted Xiaoqiang. Both Wu Shuren and his wife insisted that they abducted the child.

(End of this chapter)

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