Chapter 1704

"This is the child! How old is he? He's 26. How about a child? You're used to loving mothers and failures."

Zhao Yaozu pointed at Xiaoying and yelled at his daughter-in-law. He thought that the reason why Zhao Jinchuan was so selfish was because Zhou Guifang was too used to him.

Fortunately, Jin Chen became a comrade at the age of 16, otherwise the good boy would be ruined by her.

"It seems to be all about me. Yuying was the one who refused to let him go to the ground, and Jinchuan was also because you said that you wanted him to honor his ancestors, not let him work, and only let him study. It all depends on me."

Zhou Guifang looked at the man aggrievedly, thinking of her daughter, her heart ached.

"It's all right, you're the one who talks too much."

Zhao Yaozu glared at her, he had nothing to say, and left, he ran to find his old buddies for a drink, he didn't want to go home and see that brat get angry.

"Jinchuan, why are you so ignorant? Your brother's friend came to our house with a gift, and you can't even say a word?"

After her husband left, Zhou Guifang went back to the house aggrieved, and saw her son eating the white rabbit milk candy that Zhou Zixu had brought!Angrily snatched it over, angrily scolded him.

"Why do you give him a good face? You forgot about my sister? It's not that Zhou Zixu loves the new and dislikes the old and fell in love with Lu Sihui. Can I get rid of my sister? She married that bastard only when she was sad. You are the only one who treats your enemy as a benefactor. Isn't it stupid? stupid?"

Zhao Jinchuan glared at his mother, but his father was not there, so he spoke arrogantly.

Seeing that Mom wanted to put the things away, he snatched them away.

"Just give me 20 yuan? Can I spend it for a month? I'll exchange it for money. I shouldn't let my brother marry that woman. Otherwise, how can I give me 30 yuan a month? It's that woman who instigates me behind my back." Brother, don’t let him give me money.”

Zhao Jinchuan babbled and said, and put all the gifts Zhou Zixu brought into his bag.

"You take it out for me. Zixu bought it for your dad. You don't even give Xiaoying the candy. It's too selfish."

Seeing that her son even took away the big white rabbit's milk candy, and didn't give any of it to Xiaoying, let alone herself, Zhou Guifang was also angry, and tried to grab the things back.

"You've got it, children eat candy and get tooth decay. I can't eat well at school. These candies can also give me some nutrition."

Zhao Jinchuan pushed him away. Mom, he didn't want to keep any of the four boxes of presents.

Zhou Guifang was unprepared, and was directly pushed to the ground, her fart hurt deeply, and her heart hurt even more, and she burst into tears angrily.

"My enemy! How did I give birth to a son like you?"

"Come on, what's wrong with me? It's not intentional."

Zhao Jinchuan scolded him angrily. Mom, at least he went to help Zhou Guifang up, but he was not angry.

"Put things down, your dad will be angry when he comes back."

Zhou Guifang wiped her tears, still afraid that her husband would beat her son.

"Why is he angry? I don't have the ability to raise a son, so why give birth to me?"

Zhao Jinchuan stared. At school, he was envious of those parents who were capable, dressed well, ate well, and could go out to watch movies when they had nothing to do.

He fell in love with a good-looking girl at school. His father is the factory manager and his mother is a teacher. They can help him stay in school in the future.

Is it possible to pursue someone without spending money?All his money was spent on that girl. With these gifts, he would visit her house when he returned home. Her parents must be happy, thinking that he had good eyesight.

Therefore, he is bound to receive this gift, and it is reasonable that he should give it to him.

"You child, do you want your father to beat you?"

(End of this chapter)

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