Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1713 The hatred in my brother's eyes

Chapter 1713 The hatred in my brother's eyes

Zhao Jinchuan cried, he was terrified, he was really whipped by the belt, why did he go to school?

"Jin Chen, school is about to start."

Zhou Guifang pulled Zhao Jinchen, and the beating was already serious, and if he beat him again, he would be killed.

Zhao Jinchen didn't say a word, and went straight into his room with his younger brother. When the door was closed, Zhou Guifang and everyone else were shut out.

No. [-] watched blankly, this kind of person would be severely punished in the unit, so she had no intention of persuading Jin Chen at all.


The belt with the sound of the wind made a puffing sound on Zhao Jinchuan's body, his cries changed, and his face was full of tears from the pain.

"Call again, and let the whole village come to see you."

Zhao Jinchen didn't soften his heart and let him go just because he saw his younger brother rolling on the ground in pain. He looked down at him, and his voice was so cold that Zhao Jinchuan was afraid.

"Brother, don't hit me, it will kill me, I won't dare again."

Zhao Jinchuan was trembling with pain. He was still wearing a padded jacket. If it was summer, he would have been beaten to pieces.

Right now, as long as Zhao Jinchen doesn't hit him, he can do whatever he wants.

"Impossible, the beating is light, you have no memory."

After Zhao Jinchen finished speaking, the belt in his hand was raised again, scaring Zhao Jinchuan into hugging his head, curling up his body into a ball.

The belt fell down, and Zhao Jinchuan bit the sleeve of his clothes, not daring to make another sound.

One is that he is afraid that the elder brother will beat him harder because of his yelling, and the other is that the people in the village will hear the joke.

Stealing money, he can say it is high-sounding, but he knows it is disgraceful in his heart, and he is still afraid that outsiders will find out.

"Jin Chen! It's almost enough. If you really beat him to death, what should you do?"

Zhou Guifang patted on the door outside and cried and pleaded for his son. Zhao Yaozu pursed his lips tightly and clasped his hands behind his back, trying not to speak.

No. [-] stood aside coldly, listening to the sound of the belt being pulled on Zhao Jinchuan's body in the room, the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

As long as it proves that Jin Chen is not blindly defending his younger brother, it will be pointless to live with him if he is really that stupid.

In the end, Zhao Jinchuan lost all his strength, and he didn't know how many times he was beaten by his elder brother, but his whole back hurt like hell.

Especially the ass, it was burning, and he moaned in pain.

"Brother, please forgive me!"

He began to cry, not daring to beg him again. 1 Mom saved him, and the more she called her elder brother, the harder she beat her.

"Remember, I'd rather beat you to death myself than visit you in prison."

Zhao Jinchen didn't stop until he was tired from beating. The belt was already very strong, and the head of the belt was taken off, which shows how hard he was beating.

He stared at his younger brother sharply, feeling distressed in his heart, but the expression on his face was very serious and cold.

"I see, brother, I will never take money again."

Zhao Jinchuan's head was sweating from the pain. Seeing that his elder brother finally stopped, he agreed to whatever he said.

It's just that when he lowered his eyelids, his eyes were filled with hatred. As long as he is promising, he will never return to this home.

For the eldest brother, I don't want to see him in this life.

"Get out."

Zhao Jinchen threw the belt on the ground, pointed at the door and told his brother to leave.

He is a criminal policeman, and he is observant. The hatred in his younger brother's eyes made him extremely sad, and he was completely disappointed in him.

The door opened, and Zhou Guifang saw the second son, whose face was full of tears and sweat, hugged him distressedly, and scolded Zhao Jinchen while crying.

"The second child is your own younger brother, even if it's a mistake, you can't beat him to death!"

"You are used to it. Hitting him now is better than going to prison to see him in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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