Chapter 1716
"Yes, we are the Falcons, going forward."

The shouts of the station friends shook the sky, and the owls resting on the big tree were frightened and flew into the sky with hooting, and the snow on the branches was shaken off.

Lu Sihui didn't cook breakfast, and she just hid in her room except for feeding her two sons.

Li Yanhong was worried, so she knocked on the door and saw Lu Sihui was knitting a sweater quickly with her head bowed.

"This color is for Zixu, right? Why didn't you tell me when you went to buy wool, and bring some back for me. I want to knit one for Zisong."

There was a smile on Li Yanhong's face, as she touched the wool with her hand, it felt very good, she raised her head and asked, "Pure wool?"

"Yes, the sweater is too big, so the knitting is very slow."

Lu Sihui was a little impatient, Zixu would go home at night, and she wanted to surprise him.

But after knitting all night last night and all morning, the body of the sweater has not been knitted yet, and there are still two sleeves!I will definitely not be able to weave it at night.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Li Yanhong looked at her with a smile, Sihui was always calm and indifferent, and was rarely so impatient.


Lu Sihui felt that her fingers were about to break off, and while speaking, she flicked her fingers.

She doesn't knit too complicated stitches, just plain stitches. If she knits the most popular twist stitches, it will be even slower.

"Well, let me knit your sleeves for you!"

Li Yanhong offered to help, but Lu Sihui hesitated for a while, but still shook her head and refused.

"I want to knit a sweater for Zixu by myself. He's going to Junguan School soon, so it's just right there to wear it."

"Hey, if that's the case, then I won't participate."

Li Yanhong laughed lightly, feeling that Sihui was too rigid, she could just knit the sweater body.

Besides, if she didn't tell, would Zixu know that he helped her weave it?

"Sister-in-law, please take care of the child for me, thank you."

Lu Sihui looked at Li Yanhong and smiled, she might not have time to cook today.

Aunt Su has to work harder to cook three meals, and Li Yanhong has to suffer from the children's affairs.

"Okay, no problem, I'm learning how to make meat slices today, please tell me how!"

Li Yanhong smiled and agreed, but she wanted to cook.

Of the four children, the dragon and phoenix are sleepless, the twins sleep when they are full, and frown when they are wet, but they rarely cry like their two babies.

"Okay, let me say, just remember."

As Lu Sihui said, her hands were not idle, and she picked up the needle quickly, anyway, she was knitting flat stitches, so she didn't need to look at them.

"I remember."

Li Yanhong's memory is also very good, Lu Sihui only said it once, and she remembered almost it.

But he was not in a hurry to leave, and seemed preoccupied.

"Sister-in-law, are you worried?"

Lu Sihui found out, stopped what she was doing, and looked at her.

"Sihui, our maternity leave is about to expire, what should we do with these children?"

Li Yanhong finally had a child, and she was particularly worried about twins.

I'm afraid that there will be another nanny like Wu Shuqin who will attack her child.

"I heard from Zixu that Dad is already looking for a nanny, and grandpa is also looking for a nanny. If it's really not possible, the nanny from my aunt's family can be loaned to us. You are worrying unnecessarily."

Lu Sihui smiled, she will keep surveillance in the baby room, no matter who the nanny is?She wouldn't even believe it completely, as long as the new nanny dared to do something to the child, she would know right away.

It's not that she is afraid of being suspected by her father-in-law. She has already got a robot to look after the child, so why worry about it?
Li Yanhong didn't relieve her worry after hearing this, she was still depressed, she looked at Lu Sihui and asked her.

"When you say you are looking for a nanny, don't you have any shadows in your heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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