Chapter 1718
Political commissar Zhang defended Zixu, and Zhou Baichuan gave him a blank look.

Turn around and get in the car, it's time to take a look at the Iron Blood Brigade.

"Deputy minister, what does it mean that the big leader came and left again?"

Director Wang came over to report. He felt a little nervous. Could it be that their team did something wrong?

Zhou Zixu jumped up and saw that his father's car had left the station, he smiled and patted the snow off his hands.

I'm very glad that I took everyone to train and let my father see the imposing side of Falcon. Shouldn't he be satisfied this time?
He waved his hand at the exhausted stationmates, and gave orders hastily.

"Everyone is there, line up and go eat."

But after he gave the order, all the stationmates stared at him, and no one moved.

"What? Two hundred more push-ups?"

Zhou Zixu raised one corner of his mouth, showing his trademark evil smile, and asked in a lazy voice.

"Everyone is there, line up and go eat."

Zhang Changshui hurriedly called the station friends to line up, fearing that it would be too late and Zhou Zixu would change his mind.

Zhou Zixu smiled, and went to take a bath first, he didn't like to eat with sweaty smell.

In the morning, there is no hot water, but cold water. In winter, the water is freezing to the bone.

Zhou Zixu took cold showers all the year round, and he didn't care at all. He hummed the team song "Forward Forward" and drenched in cold water.

The little bit of loss and depression in my heart last night was swept away.

Shaking my head, the water droplets in my hair splashed around, it was cool.

When I went to the canteen, I saw that my friends had already started eating, and the canteen was filled with the sound of chewing.

Seeing him entering the cafeteria, Zhang Changshui hurriedly stood up and waved to him: "Vice Minister, I've prepared a meal for you."

Zhou Zixu's eyes flickered, and he strode over. In private, he still likes Zhang Changshui very much.

This kid is solid and doesn't hold grudges.

"The food is good."

Breakfast today is steamed buns, millet porridge, and pickles, but each has an egg.

He said lightly, took a bite of the steamed bun, and ate it with pickles.

I am used to eating breakfast made by Sihui, but eating the breakfast at my work unit is a bit less interesting.

The small pickles made by Sihui are crunchy and delicious.

The pickles made by the cook are really pickles. If you eat a piece of salty cucumber, you have to bite into two steamed buns to neutralize the salty taste.

After knitting a sweater for a whole day, Lu Sihui's waist muscles became stiff, and her fingers looked like they didn't belong to her before she finished knitting the sweater.

There are also two sleeves, and I am too tired to finish knitting at night.

In this case, she wanted to go into the space capsule for a light wave massage, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

Close the door fork and enter the space capsule.

Lying under the warm light waves, she actually fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and she slept for two hours.

He frowned, planning to play around.

"Knit the sweater for me. I want a sweetheart collar, and the neckline should look better."

After all, she threw the half-knitted sweater to the robot, and she went downstairs to make dinner.

Zixu didn't come back last night, so he should be able to go home tonight.

"Sihui, feed the child first! I went to your house before, and the door was closed! The child is starving."

Aunt Su came out of the kitchen with two bottles of milk and was happy to see Lu Sihui, otherwise she would have to feed the baby milk.
"it is good."

Lu Sihui blamed herself a little, she only thought about Zixu, and forgot about her two sons, it was strange why there was no Tangtang?
It may be the reason for the light wave massage in the space capsule!She didn't think much about it, and after feeding the child, she ran out of the kitchen to cook.

The meal was ready and brought to the table, but Zhou Zixu didn't go home on time, instead Zhou Zisong came back.

(End of this chapter)

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