Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1725 Became sentimental

Chapter 1725 Became sentimental

Zhou Zixu returned to the room with a smile on his face, Lu Sihui looked at him suspiciously, did he know what he was going to give?The back of the hand is behind the back, thinking whether to take it out?Or create a mysterious atmosphere first?

"Sihui, what are you doing with your hands behind your back? Do you want to go back to the unit for training?"

Seeing Sihui's tangled eyes, Zhou Zixu walked over amusedly, looked into her eyes and made fun of her.

"Well, I want to go back, but what about the four children? Aunt Su works very hard every day. It's only been less than two months. She will be able to climb in six months. Four of them crawling together can kill Aunt Su." .”

There was a sad look in Lu Sihui's eyes, her brows were on fire, she could still comfort her when her sister-in-law said that she just went to take care of the four children herself, and she was really tired for Aunt Su.
"Dad and aunt are looking for it, don't worry!"

Zhou Zixu raised his big hand to help his daughter-in-law smooth her eyebrows. When did his Sihui become sentimental?

"Stop talking, I have a surprise for you, close your eyes."

Lu Sihui touched the sweater in her hand, and then remembered something important, raised her chin slightly, with a rare naughty look in her eyes.

"Ha, good."

Seeing her rare playfulness, Zhou Zixu was immediately elated and closed his eyes willingly.

Lu Sihui took out her hands from behind her, looked at Zixu wearing a white shirt, and had an idea in her heart.

"Don't open your eyes, or I won't let you go to bed tonight."

Lu Sihui threatened in a low voice, and Zhou Zixu raised the corners of his mouth in amusement. She really knows what she is most afraid of?
Anyway, the mystery will be revealed soon, so let him cooperate with his wife once!

"Put your arms up."

Lu Sihui gestured with the sweater, and found that his arms were hanging down, and there was no way to put the sweater on him.

Pulling over the stool and standing up, and issuing orders to Zixu, it suddenly felt like returning to the training ground.

The corners of Zhou Zixu's mouth curled up even more. I was curious what she wanted to do?
"If I raise my hand and surrender, will I not be killed if I surrender the robbery?"
He was still joking with Lu Sihui, Sihui frowned and didn't pay attention to what he said?

All her attention was on the sweater, and she carefully put it on his arms, and then his head. She regretted it at this moment, and put it on first. If she had known it would be so difficult to wear, she might as well have gotten a cardigan.

Zhou Zixu is so perceptive. When the sweater sleeves were put on his hands, he already knew what it was through the touch?

He opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at his daughter-in-law with twinkling peach eyes, seeing that her face was flushed with anxiety, and she was still busy trying to put a sweater on him.

"Hey, little idiot."

With a chuckle, he put down his arms covered by the sweater and shackled his daughter-in-law in his arms, looking at her with gleaming eyes.

"I like the surprise you gave me."

He didn't look at the sweater, but just stared at his wife's eyes, which proved that she was very important in her heart, and that was enough to know.

As for the sweater, it was a complete surprise.

"Who told you to open your eyes? Punish you."

Lu Sihui gave him a stern look, and reprimanded him in a low voice, just as serious as when she was a coach on the training ground.

She's so angry, if she puts it on her head first, won't she be so embarrassed?
I can't even wear clothes for adults, and the surprises are gone.

"How about making me do push-ups on couch.1?"

Zhou Zixu smiled lightly, his voice was low, hoarse, and charming, and he pressed down on her tightly pursed lips, he must coax his daughter-in-law, right?

"Don't make trouble, put it on first and let me see."

Where did Lu Sihui have the whirling thoughts at this time, eager to see if the sweater she knitted for Zixu would fit?

Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter-in-law in his arms, and smiled meaningfully.

"Not in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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