Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1742 I have long been secretly promised

Chapter 1742 I have long been secretly promised

Lu Sihui didn't want to talk about that Zhao Jinchuan again, lest No. [-] be angry, and looked at Huang Yaomei with a smile to make fun of her.

Huang Yaomei is listening attentively to No. [-]!Lu Sihui asked her suddenly, without any mental preparation, and immediately blushed.


After whispering something, he didn't even dare to lift his head. He lowered his head and looked at the ground, kicking the snow with his toes, blushing like Guan Gong.

"Haha, I'm shy. Why are you embarrassed? You are 22 years old this year, and you have reached the age where you can register for marriage."

Li Yanhong smiled, she is in charge of logistics, she can open the back door for Huang Yaomei, and quickly approve her marriage report,
"Ignore you."

Huang Yaomei covered her face with her hands, trying to escape, but was held back by Lu Sihui, who laughed and teased her.

"What? You leave as soon as you talk about the key issues. Do you not like Zhang Changshui? If so, I will help him introduce a partner. Many girls in the publicity team like him! He has a bright future."

Huang Yaomei is in a hurry, Zhang Changshui is good to her, she has long since secretly agreed, how can Sihui introduce him to others!

Looking at her with pouted lips, he was too embarrassed to admit it when he wanted to say it, and his face turned red.

"Okay, don't tease Yaomei, the two of them are doing well! Zhang Changshui is very caring, treat her well."

No. [-] smiled and held Lu Sihui back, sounding like he was helping Yaomei, but he was actually making fun of her.

"You are good or bad."

Huang Yaomei covered her face, stomped her feet and said something, the shyness of the youngest daughter's family.

"I won't tease you, but Zhang Changshui is 25 years old, you can't keep dragging him, almost make a report and ask my sister-in-law to submit it to you as soon as possible, and I will go to Minister Wang for your approval."

Lu Sihui put away her smile and said to her seriously.

The shyness on Huang Yaomei's face was replaced by a sad look, she lowered her head and said nothing.

"what happened?"

Li Yanhong was more careful and asked her in a low voice.

"My parents got engaged to me in my hometown. We can't find a partner by ourselves."

She raised her head sadly, at their house, it would be a shameful thing to resign the engagement, and would be laughed at by the villagers.

"What year is this? You're still engaged! Besides, how old were you engaged? Why haven't I heard from you?"

Lu Sihui hates these customs and rules the most, just like her character, she wants to be with Zixu, and doesn't care that he is the son of a big boss, but she just wants to be with Zixu.
A rural girl who had no mother since childhood and whose father was a murderer.

She likes him, so they will be together, and he doesn't care about her.

Even if Zixu's family objects, she doesn't care, as long as Zixu likes her, and she likes Zixu, the heavenly king and I don't want to stop them.

"After I arrived at work, I got engaged at home. I don't need to go there in person, just take my birthday and get married. If I get married, I can pay the bride price. So, I didn't know at the time that it was my family who wrote to me. I just found out that I didn’t go home these years because I was afraid that they would force me to get married.”

Huang Yaomei looked a little sad. Originally, she had a carefree personality, but her mother was in poor health and wanted to save face. She was afraid that she would divorce her and make her mother mad.

"We in the south are very particular about engagement. Our side is better. When we get engaged, men and women can meet each other, so I didn't go home, so I didn't make an appointment."

No. [-] sighed, his brother and sister-in-law also made up their minds, but she refused to go back to the blind date, and they were also reluctant to let her go home to get married. There was no allowance for them, so they could be with Jin Chen.

"I have a way."

(End of this chapter)

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